Good bye Sakura5.
Pink on May 12, 2007
this is for my dear friend Sakura5, she has been band from going back on to drunk duck, that is what her school said.
I hope that we can take some moments of peace for Sakura5.
We all loved you Sakura5,we hope you lo ve us to.
Bye forever Sakura5…
cry cry.
Pink at 11:00AM, May 20, 2007
I am thinking of making a nother comic with Ryba in it as Luke in star wars. What do you guys think about that?
Inlad at 7:38PM, May 15, 2007
And Pink, plz don't use my name on here, or luvmylabs, i we wanted are names online, we'd post them are selvs. Inlad The Dashing Paladin.
Inlad at 5:12PM, May 15, 2007
This "i was not atlking to you alex!" that's what i was responding to. Inlad The Dashing Paladin.
confusedsoul at 10:35AM, May 15, 2007
Er....I'll ask Sakura5 if she's seen this yet.
Pink at 8:03AM, May 15, 2007
Kali: Yay thatnk you Kali!
Kali at 7:52AM, May 15, 2007
I saved this page to CD so Sakura can see.
luvmylab at 6:00PM, May 14, 2007
poor sakura 5 :( T_T ;_;
Spiff at 10:06AM, May 14, 2007
Pink at 7:29PM, May 13, 2007
Inlad: She is really cool she is a fann of cardcaptor sakura and i am to so that is why we are friends! I have her e-mail so i can still talk to her. She does not have a comic, like you! + What did i say for you to say "Iknow, that is what makes me so mad."?
Inlad at 6:51PM, May 13, 2007
Pink: i know, that's what makes me mad. Inlad The Dashing Paladin.
Inlad at 6:44PM, May 13, 2007
*does some sort of respectful paladin thing for sakura5* i must find out what school she goes to and destroy the evil oppressors who have banned ur friend! (don't really know her, but it's the paladiny thing to do) Inlad The Dashing Paladin.
Pink at 4:17PM, May 13, 2007
Pink at 4:17PM, May 13, 2007
Oh I'm sorry i was mostly falling a sleep.
gigafelz at 3:12PM, May 13, 2007
You spelled banned wrong. For shame