"Put Words in Their Mouths" CONTEST 9-23-07

dgriff13 on Sept. 23, 2007

Oh, yes. It's that time again! Z0)

Same old rules:

To enter, leave a suggestion for the witty dialog for the above sketch in your comments, or PQ me if you wish. I will choose the best one (IMO) and post the winner's entry with a finished page on Wednesday. AND, check back Friday to see the winner's prize!!!

Dantheman: you know you're ineligible since you won last time, but go ahead and post a suggestion if you wish!

I tried to keep this one in line with the current story of our alien friend's city escapades… see what you can do with an elevator scene!

thanks and have fun!


UPDATE: if you haven't already, go check out the fabulous fan art from Amy of Antcomics! It's in my little “fan art” section (starting 9/25) ;0)
