142: Show-and-Tell (Food Fight!)

dgriff13 on March 3, 2008

Sadly, I never have actually been involved in a “real” food fight. Can you believe that? Anyone have a good food fight story? Am I not alone in thinking this may one of those elusive events that seems typical but never really happens?

The best I can scrounge up was a whipped cream/shaving cream war after 8th grade graduation. But I don't think that counts, not in the classic way. Was still messy (and sticky) as hell though.

In other Z&F Production news that you probably don't give a rat's @$$ about.. I'm going back to my tablet for inking. As much as I feel guilty ditching the classic fountain pen I used to love so much, I have actually been spoiled with the tablet and find I get better control. Imagine that. Yay technology.

Thanks everyone for your dedicated readership. So great to see you all come back each time. Although, my page views SUCK lately, anyone else seeing the same thing? Probably the website redesign deterred some people away.