As you might imagine, Net Neutrality activists are not amused. “First, Comcast was caught blocking the Internet” said Timothy Karr, campaign director of
“Now it has been caught blocking the public from the debate. The only people cheering Comcast are those paid to do so. Clearly, Comcast will resort to just about any underhanded tactic to stack the decks in its favor. And yet Comcast still expects us to trust them with the future of the Internet?”
The “cheering” Karr's referring to is probably what a commentator noted at the blog, explaining why there was such raucous applause each time Comcast executive VP David Cohen made a somewhat lame point.
Evil genius? Yes. Legal? Probably. Fair game? Not even.
Read it HERE. HERE is another.
Comcast paid these shills to fill the seats while hundreds of people got turned away. Some of them even fell asleep not even caring about the meeting! is talking about it too. The eradication of Net Nuetrality is becoming a reality, too, since no one in congress is opposing it. Comcast and other Internet companies are already throttling back bandwidth on users. This is infuriating! You should be upset as well.
If Net Nuetrality is taken away, YOUR INTERNET PROVIDER will decide how fast and how slow you get to certain sites. This affects us all. Sites like this especially!