Comic Talk and General Discussion *

CORY at 7:10PM, Jan. 23, 2006
posts: 205
joined: 1-3-2006
I'm thinking when they bring back web-rings to, I'm going to start one. The entire point of the web-ring ring will to be brutally (or at least completely) honest about all webcomics being read or reviewed, taking into account art, writing, composition, and style.

The name of this webring… I'm not sure yet, but I'm getting sick of seeing a terrible comic with either the comment: “Needs work, but FIVER,” or “LOLLOLOL, SO TEH FUNNEH, FIVEN!!”

This is kind of a thrown-out-there topic to see if anyone is interested. What are your guys' opinions on being honest rate-wise?

(Note, this is not a rave, I really am thinking of starting a web-ring supporting honesty)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:46AM
Ozoneocean at 7:26PM, Jan. 23, 2006
posts: 28,896
joined: 1-2-2004
Oi Cory! What about an option for those who don't want to rate at all?
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:23PM
Inkmonkey at 7:42PM, Jan. 23, 2006
posts: 2,220
joined: 1-3-2006
Would that be just not voting at all?

Hm… I've seen quite a few of these groups come and go. In the end there's just not enough incentive to have a group specifically for this purpose. Still, I prefer to vote honestly, and the more people doing so the better, so best of luck.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:59PM
lukee at 7:51PM, Jan. 23, 2006
posts: 572
joined: 1-1-2006
Would that be just not voting at all?

I think what ozoneocean was referring to was leaving brutally honest comments, but not voting.
Genuine President For Life No Seriously Guys I Mean It For Reals of the Top Drawer
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:48PM
CORY at 10:38PM, Jan. 23, 2006
posts: 205
joined: 1-3-2006
Would that be just not voting at all?

I think what ozoneocean was referring to was leaving brutally honest comments, but not voting.

I didn't find that option really went with the topic very much.

The Web-ring wouldn't ONLY be for people who don't want dishonesty to rule though… it would probably be the best of the best… or something.

I'm still working out the details.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:46AM
SpANG at 5:21AM, Jan. 24, 2006
posts: 3,103
joined: 1-1-2006
I'd like to see ring members not being able to vote on each other's sites. But so far, that's just me. :wink:

There was too much “voting your pals up” in the past. Though, the main page is a little different now, so it probably won't matter as much. Hopefully.

.: SpANG! :.
“To a rational mind, nothing is inexplicable. Only unexplained.”
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:51PM
CORY at 9:02AM, Jan. 24, 2006
posts: 205
joined: 1-3-2006
Sure. That'll be a rule.

Any other suggestions?
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:46AM
SpANG at 9:58AM, Jan. 24, 2006
posts: 3,103
joined: 1-1-2006
Sure. That'll be a rule.

Actually, I was thinking it would be better as an actual programming of the rings. :wink:

.: SpANG! :.
“To a rational mind, nothing is inexplicable. Only unexplained.”
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:51PM
Inkmonkey at 3:50PM, Jan. 24, 2006
posts: 2,220
joined: 1-3-2006
At first glance I would say that's a bad idea, but after seeing some of the groups that ended up on the top 50 through the “buddy system”, I can see how it could grow to be a problem
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:59PM
CORY at 9:47PM, Jan. 25, 2006
posts: 205
joined: 1-3-2006
Just a little side-thing. Has anyone noticed people who make sprite comics only seem to comment on sprite comics and pay no attention to any REAL comics… that're HAND-drawn?

I kind of found that disturbing when I realized this ten minutes ago.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:46AM
zactheninja at 10:01PM, Jan. 25, 2006
posts: 79
joined: 1-2-2006
I figured that out days ago.
I almost made a comic about it.

There are two different communities on Drunk Duck.
The Sprite “Artists” and then the Artists.
The Sprite kids don't read the Hand drawn comics
the Hand drawn authors read everything.

So It's kind of weird.
We need to unite.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:54PM
chewdy at 10:19PM, Jan. 25, 2006
posts: 14
joined: 1-8-2006
Segregation for all!
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:41AM
blu at 12:51AM, Jan. 26, 2006
posts: 60
joined: 1-2-2006
i'd be up for this as long as it included honest comments without rating.
other than that, this comment is pointless.
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last edited on July 14, 2011 11:27AM

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