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Drunk Duck Secret Santa 2008
BlkKnight at 5:19PM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 1,098
joined: 5-28-2007
It's that time of year again. The secret santa is fairly simple.

Signups are now closed.

Step 1) Sign up before December 1st with a picture request. This may or may not involve your comic characters and does not even have to be holiday themed. If you request nothing, then you may receive anything. Just leave a post in this thread.

Step 2) On December 1st I will randomize those who signed up and inform everyone of who they are a secret santa for. You will have until December 20th to complete the request and post it in the corresponding thread.

Step 3) Profit!

If you are feeling extra generous, you may sign up to fulfill requests by deadbeat members who did not complete step 2 (i.e. Deadbeat Watch Committee or DWC). Please specify when signing up if you'd like to participate in that end.

The following are banned from participation (if they're even still around) due to being deadbeats last year.


Participants (Current count 80):

-BlkKnight: Some of my characters from Crossing Death participating in non-religious winter festivities (Can't quite do Christmas in a world ruled by other gods).
-Warpedwenger: Just any old Wakon Yosai fanart.
-Vakanai: I'd like a pic of a Norse giant, with long red hair and beard, in furs and armor, and holding a great spear in one hand and a giant shield on his left arm. He's in the lobby of a great modern building. He's shielding a dark haired woman in a red jacket as several cops shoot at them.
-NickGuy: I'll take some Kung-Fu Komix fanart.
-Amanda DWC: A holiday-themed picture featuring his or her favorite Salt character(s). It can be silly or sweet. I don't mind.
-Jules: Something holiday-related with my Paint Heroes characters.
-UsedBooks: I'd like winter-themed (Christmas, New Years, or just non-holiday winter scene) featuring any Used Books characters.
-Darrell: Holiday-themed fan art. (Divine Leap)
-Bittenbymonk: I would like a picture of uper dave throwing cats at people in a santa outfit! With people responding badly to the cat throwing. very badly.
-Jenshin DWC: Something DNA themed!

-Froobius DWC: Perhaps one of my ROY BARLEY characters in a Venusian setting, Merle the Pickerel or Lance, or whomever, maybe a nymphette or two, obliquely X
-SpearCarrier: Don't care what picture so long as it doesn't offend my virgin eyes.
-Koshou: I'd like a holiday-themed picture of the two main characters from my comic, Kimeral. (Kimasu and Melau)
-Honey Bucket DWC: I'd like a picture with a HeroGirl character…Preferably HG herself…and/or Lynn (who will show up soon). It can be X-mas, New Years, winter themed or just normal.
-Dinosaursteve: I want a warped picture of one of those mall santa's.
-CateranLlama: I'd love to play along. :D Um … as for what I want … um … something nifty? Something cyberpunky? Or steampunky? Or horror-y. Or fairy-tale-in-a-modern-setting-y. Or … um … something good. Guess it doesn't really matter what. Holiday is OK, as long as it's not religious-y.
-n_y_japlander DWC: I would like to see Melvin (the main character of Raw Fish ) wrapping Christmas gifts… or should I say not doing a very good job of wrapping gifts. You know, paper everywhere, tape where it should not be… you get it!
-Mutation: Out of any and all of my characters, find the silliest most uncannon pairing you can imagine, in a cute puppy-love christmas setting.
-Bowdy DWC: I'd like something featuring any of the “My Imaginary Life” characters up to something in the snow.
-Skullbie: I want 2 or more of my female characters drawn either winter holiday themed or some sort of themed outfit, doesn't matter what.

-Biz3: I'd love to see someone draw the cast (or part of the cast) of my webcomic, Happy Landfill, celebrating Christmas.

-DarkChibiShadow: guess I want You're My Moon Fanart, definatly You're My Moon. Because I love comics about werewolves, specially my own. jk <3
-Lemniskate DWC: And I'd like to recieve a pic of a boy and a girl sitting in a dim bar, the girl attentively listening to the boy's stories, showing some sort of affection.
-Warspritecomic: I think that a nicer one would be a painting of anything. Nothing fancy, just upload a photo of the finished thing.
-Aghammer: I'd like some reverse polarity fan art.. XMas or not.
-Mummymetaller: I'll just have some Fanart of my two characters (Atrox ocis)
-PyThomas: All I'd like for mine is some kind of Christmas theme involving Cassie, maybe set in the past somewhere. Or if you have a cool idea for Christmas in the future, that would be great too!
-Deepcheese: I guess I'd like some After Lily fan art, Christmas related if possible.
-Azaeziel DWC: My request is a pic of my character (Karen from my comic “Karen the Marilith” doing something winter themed with a character of the artists own.
-Niccea DWC: A food item dressed like a superhero please.

-Therealtj: I want a comic with a story of a Wii falling in love with a PS3.
-Hero: I would much like a picture of Comet Kid from Comet Kid, Jax from Wintergreen and Lucky from Bonzai Monster Hunters going caroling.
-TheTopHat: something x-mesy done on the my comic. (good luck too who ever gets this! (Life Under The Top Hat)
-Willicus DWC: I'd like to request a drawing of any of the characters of SixDegrees.
-Odysseus55: No particular requests.
-Tantz Aerine: For my santa, I'd love a picture of David, Zoe and Zou Zou from Wolf, where Zou Zou is in an angel costume and David and Zoe are presenting her with a christmas present. Whackyness at will, of course. :DFor my santa, I'd love a picture of David, Zoe and Zou Zou from Wolf, where Zou Zou is in an angel costume and David and Zoe are presenting her with a christmas present. Whackyness at will, of course. :D
-Dangerfunk: I would like a pic of a sexy Mrs. Claus on top of a green baby grand piano (Mr. Claus doesn't haveta know). If that ain't yer cuppa tea then I would alternatively like a pic of one of yer (the artiste's) characters in an epic reindeer fight with one of mine. Thanks Santa!
-Spiritmonkey: for mine, I'd like something featuring Timmy from my comic Timmy and the Bleach, could be Christmas/Hannukah/December/Kwanza themed or just a picture of a giant robot pig setting fire to toadstools and singing the Welsh ntional anthem backwards whilst simultaneously overthrowing the capitalist English system.
-Mina_Lunga DWC: Please put me up for anything involving any of my characters from either of these comics o' mine:,
-Ocelott: I'd like anything involving our three main ladies from Killer Kittenz. Could be holiday themed, but doesn't have to be.

-Drasnus: I'd like a picture of Santa disemboweling himself with a toothpick.
-Thoththegrey: I leave it up to the artist what they would like to do with the folks over at 2nd Shift.
-Ryushin: I want an anime style winter theme drawing.
-Rokulily: Nothin' x-rated, and preferably colorful would be nice.
-WTHecksicle: I'd like some Epic Q fanart =D
-Kali: Could I have a picture of winter scene with my main characters in my comic that mainly means out of or all of these characters: Ka, Fenrir, Eve, Fenix, Hati, Skol, Mearne just something involving one or more of any character from any of the comics in my profile.
-Xade: I'd like to see my gang watching a christmas special on tv. Kind of like Alex having all his friends over for a party. Or at least him and his girls and the new char.
-Herio: Why not some Holiday-themed fan art would be nice
-Newgirlcomic: I would like something of my oc's NewGirl and Edwyn.
-Pastel: My request is any of my characters drinking hot chocolate. :3
-Whirlwynd DWC: I'd like a picture of any of the Many Misfortunes of Lady Luck characters =)
-BffSatan: I want a drawing of a bear in a funny hat fighting a zombie on top of a blimp.
-Drazi500: I think I'll request nothing this year though. x =]
-Crazyduck: I'd like anything involving my Crazy Duck characters… and Christmas themed would be nice.
-Dueeast: I'd like to request Sapphira and Brielle from Due East opening Christmas gifts with a nice Christmas tree nearby.

-Lycoris: I'd love to see someone else's take on any of my characters! Dreg or Life With Fred, funny or dark, I'll take anything. An XMas theme would be fun though!
-theJimmy DWC: I want a drawing of a famous movie moment, but with with my characters as the stars.
-Thasanimos: I just want to see how somebody else will draw my characters. Oh, but make it funny.
-Pandafilando: i'll have andrea and Her maid (by the way her name's Kriemhield)with christmas themed outfits !!.
-Avalon Comics: Mario Mario, Ness and Solid Snake enjoying some prime spaghetti in a seedy italian restaurant, whilst Megaman toils away in the kitchen.
-Kojika: I would like any of the characters from my webcomic Zos Kias. Have fun and take your pick~!
-Dragonsong12: As for what I'd like…How's about a fanart of either Ry or Elrek from Firefly Cross?
-Heymelby DWC: anything with Chad the fat kid is fine…please read the comic so you know something about him.
-Dragonaur DWC: Xara or Carla as Santa.
-MrRiot: I'll take a drawing of Chance drinking, because it's become a running joke around the studio.

-Crazyninny DWC: I would like a picture of my main character Becky from my comic. But I would like who ever is going to do it if they would draw her in some other setting than she is right now. You know, something magical, scifi, or something than real life. You know, something of your taste. ^_^ Suprise me if you will. =3
-ErrePi: May I have a picture of a 50 year old guy?
-Alejkhan: If it's not too much trouble, I'd like some sort of holiday or wintery themed crossover between my three main comics, Jump, Lola, and Fire Born.
-Supermathsbeaver: I'd like something Christmassy with Super Maths Beaver and any other character you can find in the strips (there really aren't very many but I can't remember their names).
-Magicmaker:I'd like to see someone's favorite background (i.e. pregnant boy, voodoo albino cheerleader, etc) “magick?” character.
-Harkovast: Do some Harkovast fan art, that would be cool!
-Worstcase: would like to have mine feature any of my Faults characters, and…anything goes after that! Just go CRAZY!
-DrDoobious: I'd say fan art of any number of the four my characters in my main series, Vita Di Vetro, would be greatly appreciated! (Four main characters are as follows: Kale, Dasa, Plobbins, Eilie)
-The Derkomai DWC: I'd love to see some Horror and the Human fan art, that'd be quite special.
That's “Dr. BlkKnight” to all of you.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:26AM
Warpedwenger at 7:30PM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 1,778
joined: 4-3-2007
What the hey?… Count me in. Just any old Wakon Yosai fanart will do for my present.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:47PM
Vakanai at 11:00PM, Nov. 1, 2008
posts: 460
joined: 11-20-2007
I'm probably going to regret this, but count me in.
As for my present, I'd like a pic of a Norse giant, with long red hair and beard, in furs and armor, and holding a great spear in one hand and a giant shield on his left arm. He's in the lobby of a great modern building. He's shielding a dark haired woman in a red jacket as several cops shoot at them.
It's based on a story idea of mine.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:38PM
NickGuy at 7:50AM, Nov. 2, 2008
posts: 990
joined: 2-22-2007
hey this is pretty dope. for a second i thought id actually have to buy something…whew!

ill take some KFK fanart

“Kung Fu Komix IS…hardcore martial art action all the way. 8/10” -Harkovast
“Kung Fu Komix is that rare comic that is made with heart and love of the medium, and it delivers” -Zenstrive
“Kung Fu Komix is…so awesome” -threeeyeswurm
“Kung Fu Komix is..told with all the stupid exuberance of the genre it parodies” -The Real Macabre
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:15PM
amanda at 8:31AM, Nov. 2, 2008
posts: 2,075
joined: 9-19-2007
I'm in! I'd love for the person who gets stuck with me to draw a holiday-themed picture featuring his or her favorite Salt character(s). It can be silly or sweet - I don't mind ^.^

Vakanai, regardless of who gets your name, I can't WAIT to see that picture!
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:51AM
Vakanai at 10:05AM, Nov. 2, 2008
posts: 460
joined: 11-20-2007
Vakanai, regardless of who gets your name, I can't WAIT to see that picture!
Yeah. A mythological Norse giant fighting guys with guns in modern times is something I haven't seen before. If I can ever figure out a story for it it would be awesome.
But alas, all I can think of is scenes. Stupid imagination, failing me at all the coolest ideas. Work brain, work damn you!

Oh, and I'd like it to be at night. Cause night time pics are best.

I now realize that as complicated as my pic is, by the laws of karma I'm going to be given a harder picture to make.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:38PM
Warpedwenger at 11:33AM, Nov. 2, 2008
posts: 1,778
joined: 4-3-2007
I'll probably be the poor fool that gets stuck drawin' that…
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:47PM
Jules at 12:06PM, Nov. 2, 2008
posts: 272
joined: 8-30-2006
Hmm, I suppose you could put me up for this as well.

As for a picture request, I'm thinking something holiday-related with my Paint Heroes characters :P
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:11PM
skoolmunkee at 12:30PM, Nov. 2, 2008
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
I think deadbeat members should be identified by name in a newspost, to take advantage of maximum shame-based motivation. (Aren't previous years' deadbeats barred from this year?)
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:41PM
BlkKnight at 3:20PM, Nov. 2, 2008
posts: 1,098
joined: 5-28-2007
Technically they are, but last year's were never explicitly stated. Just those who didn't get a piece. Give me a little time and I'll reverse-engineer the list to figure out culprits.
That's “Dr. BlkKnight” to all of you.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:26AM
amanda at 5:02PM, Nov. 2, 2008
posts: 2,075
joined: 9-19-2007
For the record, even though I didn't mention it earlier, I'll be happy to help out with additional presents if we have any deadbeats this year.

But we won't have any deadbeats this year… RIGHT? *looks mean and intimidating*
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:51AM
usedbooks at 5:31PM, Nov. 2, 2008
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Sign me up again. ^_^

I'd like winter-themed (Christmas, New Years, or just non-holiday winter scene) featuring any Used Books characters.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:37PM
darrell at 6:23PM, Nov. 2, 2008
posts: 158
joined: 1-3-2006
Technically they are, but last year's were never explicitly stated. Just those who didn't get a piece. Give me a little time and I'll reverse-engineer the list to figure out culprits.

Sorry, if I had seen this post earlier I could have saved you the trouble as I reverse-engineered it last year and I still had the list. Oh well. :)

I'll join in. My request will be Holiday-themed fan art.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:08PM
Bittenbymonk at 3:09PM, Nov. 3, 2008
posts: 422
joined: 1-6-2008
count me in!
I would like a picture of uper dave throwing cats at people in a santa outfit!
with people responding badly to the cat throwing. very badly.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:22AM
Jenshin at 5:11PM, Nov. 4, 2008
posts: 24
joined: 1-9-2006
Count me in!
I've always wanted to be a part of this!!
And I'll take over if someone's a deadbeat, too!

My request - DNA themed!
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:07PM
Froobius at 5:19PM, Nov. 4, 2008
posts: 9
joined: 3-4-2008
Yes, I would like to play.
I don't know what the game is, but I want in.

If it's just one picture, then I want something fleshy and quasi-realistic. I never get the chance to do naked women in space. (Wait… yes I do.) But, yes. I guess it doesn't have to be naked. Maybe just curvy and gelatinous.
Whatever. I'm game.
I'll pick up for a deadbeat or two, too.

S. (Froobius)
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:31PM
spearcarrier at 6:32PM, Nov. 4, 2008
posts: 43
joined: 11-25-2007
Woot! Okay! I'm in.. uh.. but don't care what picture so long as it doesn't offend my virgin eyes. O_O Can we post them on our comics?

Yay!! Secret Santa stuffs! I wonder who I get to draw piccies for… oooh…..
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:53PM
Koshou at 7:19PM, Nov. 4, 2008
posts: 198
joined: 1-19-2008
I'm in! :D swamped with projects right now but I should be done by December, so what the hell.

I'd like a holiday-themed picture of the two main characters from my comic, Kimeral. (Kimasu and Melau)

*excited* C:
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:21PM
honey bucket at 7:51PM, Nov. 4, 2008
posts: 31
joined: 9-4-2008
Definitely count me in! I love Secret Santas…
I'd like a picture with a HeroGirl character…Preferably HG herself…and/or Lynn (who will show up soon). It can be X-mas, New Years, winter themed or just normal.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:50PM
Dinosaursteve at 8:38PM, Nov. 4, 2008
posts: 29
joined: 8-13-2008
I'll join in, this sounds fun. I want a warped picture of one of those mall santa's.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:11PM
Warpedwenger at 8:54PM, Nov. 4, 2008
posts: 1,778
joined: 4-3-2007
I'll join in, this sounds fun. I want a warped picture of one of those mall santa's.
What about a mall Jesus? Now that would be funny! Think about it you got two costumes for Christmas and Easter… Consolidate!
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:47PM
CateranLlama at 9:05PM, Nov. 4, 2008
posts: 37
joined: 1-2-2008
I'd love to play along. :D Um … as for what I want … um … something nifty? Something cyberpunky? Or steampunky? Or horror-y. Or fairy-tale-in-a-modern-setting-y. Or … um … something good. Guess it doesn't really matter what. Holiday is OK, as long as it's not religious-y. It can use something from something I've drawn (here or deviantArt, as long as it's not something I've drawn for someone else and posted at DA) but it doesn't have to.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:37AM
n_y_japlander at 9:35PM, Nov. 4, 2008
posts: 264
joined: 6-22-2007
I very much enjoyed this last year… and would very much like to be apart of it again this year!!!

So, sign me up please!!!

I would like to see Melvin (the main character of Raw Fish ) wrapping Christmas gifts… or should I say not doing a very good job of wrapping gifts. You know, paper everywhere, tape where it should not be… you get it!

You can also sign me up for cover work for any deadbeats…


last edited on July 14, 2011 2:19PM
Mutation at 10:38PM, Nov. 4, 2008
posts: 241
joined: 5-5-2006
Oh! Oh! I want to join this year. n.n

My request: Out of any and all of my characters, find the silliest most uncannon pairing you can imagine, in a cute puppy-love christmas setting.

And I don't care how you interpret that, just have fun. n.n

KALA-Dan! Reverse Trap!
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:09PM
Bowdy at 11:07PM, Nov. 4, 2008
posts: 3
joined: 12-14-2006
Man that reply button was hard to find! (it is very early for me!)

Me too! Me too!

I'd like something featuring any of the “My Imaginary Life” characters up to something in the snow.

Can probably sign up for Deadbeat cover if the pics are to be caught up with after the 20th; my own I can do by then, but work gets hectic leading up to the festive period!
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:32AM
Skullbie at 2:03AM, Nov. 5, 2008
posts: 4,805
joined: 12-9-2007
I'll do someone ;)

I want 2 or more of my female characters drawn either winter holiday themed or some sort of themed outfit, doesn't matter what.

last edited on July 14, 2011 3:46PM
Biz3 at 4:07AM, Nov. 5, 2008
posts: 109
joined: 8-5-2008
Hell, I'll tag along on this.

I'd love to see someone draw the cast (or part of the cast) of my webcomic, Happy Landfill, celebrating Christmas.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:23AM
Lemniskate at 6:39AM, Nov. 5, 2008
posts: 65
joined: 8-13-2007
Cool. I'll participate.

I'd do DWC, too.

And I'd like to recieve a pic of a boy and a girl sitting in a dim bar, the girl attentively listening to the boy's stories, showing some sort of affection.
VaƄmyz umoj.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:34PM
BlkKnight at 6:42AM, Nov. 5, 2008
posts: 1,098
joined: 5-28-2007
Woot! Okay! I'm in.. uh.. but don't care what picture so long as it doesn't offend my virgin eyes. O_O Can we post them on our comics?

Yay!! Secret Santa stuffs! I wonder who I get to draw piccies for… oooh…..

Yes, they can be posted in your comics once they've been shown in the presentation thread.
That's “Dr. BlkKnight” to all of you.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:26AM
Warspritecomic at 8:12AM, Nov. 5, 2008
posts: 343
joined: 3-10-2006
Oooh I remember this! I think I'll join in again this year!

I would like a nice gentle picture of a woodland in christmas, complete with animals. Also I would also like a santa with a machine gun shooting the animals. Not sadistic at all…

EDIT: If it's not too late, is it OK to change mine? I think that a nicer one would be a painting of anything. Nothing fancy, just upload a photo of the finished thing.

Also a mute that reminds me of Johnny Bravo and Samuel L Jackson at the same time!
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:48PM

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