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TD High
Renga Studio at 2:44AM, Dec. 11, 2008
posts: 788
joined: 12-18-2007
Top Drawer High Featured Webcomic Party! Page 6

Renga: How are you everyone !!
Renga: All your weather are control by me.
Renga: I has a weather machine.
DrunkDuck: What you say !!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:04PM
Product Placement at 11:35PM, Dec. 17, 2008
posts: 7,078
joined: 10-18-2007
Hey I have a question. Why is it that the forum is always one page behind?
Those were my two cents.
If you have any other questions, please deposit a quarter.
This space for rent.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:49PM
Product Placement at 9:56PM, Dec. 19, 2008
posts: 7,078
joined: 10-18-2007
Attention. Sorry can I have your attention? Can anyone notice me? God this feminine plague is driving me nuts. When is Crocty gonna fix this?

*Recollects himself for a minute…*


Ah, that's better.

Students of TD High! We have a rival. Nay! A sworn enemy! BEHOLD!

Drunk Duck high!

To defeat this enemy we will need cunning, guile, and tactical wits. There are bathrooms to be cherry bombed, sorority houses to be TP'd and graffiti to be sprayed! There's a mascot to be abused and sport team to be pulverized! Girls to be teased and boys to be punched!

We should face this evil foundation of wickedness in a game of sport and annihilate them! Not because we're better! Oh no! BECAUSE WE CHEAT!

Gather our forces and together… WE! WILL! ACHIEVE! VICTORY!

So pick up you slack and roll up your sleeve because we have brownies to bake for the bake sale and… and…

… oh shoot.
Those were my two cents.
If you have any other questions, please deposit a quarter.
This space for rent.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:49PM
LoveandGuns at 10:09PM, Dec. 19, 2008
posts: 1,813
joined: 1-5-2008

… *coughs* I'm in. :3
K.A.L.A-dan! Ill Girl *coughs*
The Official Mother/Therapist of KALA-dan!
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:47PM
warefish at 11:33PM, Dec. 19, 2008
posts: 570
joined: 5-25-2007
I got my musical axe. XD

I'm in! ;)

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:46PM
Product Placement at 11:59PM, Dec. 19, 2008
posts: 7,078
joined: 10-18-2007
Fantastic. I tapped to the home ed class and embroidered a fancy new banner for us. I trust you know which one to pick.

if you are gonna post a banner in you sign, please post it like this:

{url=}{img}insert code for picture{/img}{/url}

Also, replace all { and } with .

It will place whoever clicks on the banner into this forum topic.

EDIT: I just fiddled with the banners to make the text more readable. Also I posted a bigger banner if you want to change. It's still inside the limit of maximum banner size.
Those were my two cents.
If you have any other questions, please deposit a quarter.
This space for rent.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:49PM
LoveandGuns at 12:32AM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 1,813
joined: 1-5-2008
K.A.L.A-dan! Ill Girl *coughs*
The Official Mother/Therapist of KALA-dan!
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:47PM
warefish at 4:15AM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 570
joined: 5-25-2007
Sweet! Cheers PP! :D

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:46PM
crocty at 5:08AM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
Deary me…
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:52AM
Dragonizer at 7:34AM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 2,675
joined: 8-23-2007
Gasp! Madness, I do declare.
K.A.L.A.-dan! Morality Pet >:3
The end of time will be the end of guilt.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:16PM
Product Placement at 9:29AM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 7,078
joined: 10-18-2007
Fantastic. This is showing super promise.

Now how did the punks do this in the old days…

Now all we need to do is do 3 years worth of choreography dancing and ballet lessons, practice our singing a bit, draw out creative dance steps…

Ah the hell with it. Lest just stick with basic brawling.
Those were my two cents.
If you have any other questions, please deposit a quarter.
This space for rent.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:50PM
Niccea at 9:54AM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 5,902
joined: 8-10-2007
I'm the drifter. I don't have a clique, but I get along with certain people from each one…well that is how it was in high school. Nothing says awesome like the baseball team and the goths ready to attack the idiot who was harassing me in art.

And I'm extremely behind and off topic. ^^ Go rivalry!
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:12PM
Product Placement at 10:51AM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 7,078
joined: 10-18-2007
And I'm extremely behind and off topic.

Long story short. There once was a forum called Top Drawer. All the social rejects went there to rant and tell each other to f-off.

We made a comic symbolizing our fagotry which became the fine comic called Top Drawer High. You can read by going through the massive overflow of pages that we have here. Alternatively you can go here where it's been collected together.

We discovered a rival school called Drunk Duck High. Were going to war with them.

Also we rule super duber much! It's like totally awesome!

Damit Crocty! When are you gonna fix the newfag plague! This is driving me nuts.
Those were my two cents.
If you have any other questions, please deposit a quarter.
This space for rent.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:50PM
Renga Studio at 12:09PM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 788
joined: 12-18-2007
Product Placement
Hey I have a question. Why is it that the forum is always one page behind?

Beats me, Product; this thread must be in another time zone or something. Either that, or it's like the Alpha Centauri system, and an image from Top Drawer High is like a TV transmission that we're finally picking up from planet Earth. Speaking of which, here it comes!
Renga: How are you everyone !!
Renga: All your weather are control by me.
Renga: I has a weather machine.
DrunkDuck: What you say !!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:04PM
Renga Studio at 12:11PM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 788
joined: 12-18-2007
Top Drawer High Featured Webcomic Party! Page 7

Renga: How are you everyone !!
Renga: All your weather are control by me.
Renga: I has a weather machine.
DrunkDuck: What you say !!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:04PM
Renga Studio at 12:29PM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 788
joined: 12-18-2007
School rivalry

Honestly. You TD High students just can't stay out of trouble, can you? -_-


Ah, the hell with it; I'm in! 8D
Renga: How are you everyone !!
Renga: All your weather are control by me.
Renga: I has a weather machine.
DrunkDuck: What you say !!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:04PM
Niccea at 12:36PM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 5,902
joined: 8-10-2007
But being in trouble is sooo much fun.

I got the jist of what this is from the feature eons ago. I'm just a lazy butt who just started going to the forums.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:12PM
Product Placement at 12:38PM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 7,078
joined: 10-18-2007
Renga Studio
Ah, the hell with it; I'm in! 8D


Btw Renga. Happy 1 year anniversary in Drunk Duck.
Those were my two cents.
If you have any other questions, please deposit a quarter.
This space for rent.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:50PM
Wills42 at 6:34PM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 164
joined: 11-3-2007
NEW CHALLENGER! “Wills42” LIkes: Pizza Dislikes: The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
I'm in… >:-D
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:50PM
Product Placement at 7:53PM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 7,078
joined: 10-18-2007
Ok Product Placement… You can do this… Just hold yourself together a little longer…
*Consumes fistfuls of testosterone pills and steroids and flushes it down with industrial strength earl gray*

Ok. For this to be good, Renga needs to know what we plan to do with DD High.

Crocty, what are your plans? Some senseless acts of destruction I presume?

LoveandGuns, I know you like explosives so you can handle that.

Dragoniser, start recruiting more people. Also if you see Aqua_ng around, tell him that I'm almost 100% certain that the assassins are coming from that school. Btw, do you still own that flamethrower?

We need someone to train the students in case this becomes physical… *Glimpses back at that West Side story video* …maybe even teach them some dance steps, just in case it goes that way.

Warefish, Can you handle the propaganda? We need everyone to know that these bastards eat kittens and use orphans to wipe themselves. EVERYONE!

Niccea! What are you doing outside! *Drags her into the building* Here wear this pro DD High banner and tags. Everyone has to know which side you're on.

Orange will probably stay in the tree throwing stuff at the DD Students who dare to get to close to our premises.


… Ok, therealtj will whore himself out to the students of the rival school, infecting them with various diseases.

*Bounces into Willis42 while discussing in haste*
… who are you? … Pizzas you say? Great we're bound to become hungry so you'll handle the food supplies.

Maybe there's even a use for NewFag. Send him to the other school. Let them worry about him.

These are all suggestions. If you don't like the tasks you're given then please speak up and tell me how YOU are gonna contribute!

Now let's all have a slumber party!

Those were my two cents.
If you have any other questions, please deposit a quarter.
This space for rent.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:50PM
Niccea at 8:17PM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 5,902
joined: 8-10-2007
*Gets tangled up in the banner* Ok! *Untangles herself and hangs up her old banner for later*
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:12PM
Bocaj at 8:56PM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 3,280
joined: 4-3-2007


The equal signs represent our awesome to awesome ratio. And the threes and dees are for style points.
Yeah. I went there, homos.

last edited on July 14, 2011 11:32AM
Ozoneocean at 6:53AM, Dec. 21, 2008
posts: 28,852
joined: 1-2-2004
TD high will win in any contest of schools. I know my students and I know they're a top notch hardcore bunch of studious, resourceful people!

Besides, they will cheat. ;)
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:33PM
Avalon comics at 7:25AM, Dec. 21, 2008
posts: 3,331
joined: 11-11-2006
TD high will win in any contest of schools. I know my students and I know they're a top notch hardcore bunch of studious, resourceful people!

Besides, they will cheat. ;)
Shut up and get back to your pre-paid holiday in Hawaii, we don't need you old man.

Except for money.

Actually speaking of which you couldn't break a 50, could you?
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:13AM
crocty at 7:39AM, Dec. 21, 2008
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
Bocaj, I think you meant


3=================D O:*”

*That O: is a man.

Hah! Which means DD high is gay! HAHAHAHAH!



I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:52AM
Dragonizer at 7:47AM, Dec. 21, 2008
posts: 2,675
joined: 8-23-2007
But Crocty, that's kind of what TD High is, too. Newfag, remember?

I think someone stole my flamethrower. D:
K.A.L.A.-dan! Morality Pet >:3
The end of time will be the end of guilt.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:16PM
Niccea at 7:50AM, Dec. 21, 2008
posts: 5,902
joined: 8-10-2007
TD high will win in any contest of schools. I know my students and I know they're a top notch hardcore bunch of studious, resourceful people!

Besides, they will cheat. ;)

Cheat?!? Never! But food poisoning runs rampant in those school cafeterias…
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:12PM
Product Placement at 8:24AM, Dec. 21, 2008
posts: 7,078
joined: 10-18-2007

This is just like the good old TD days.

And Niccea. We do cheat. Which is why we win. Didn't you pay attention at my gathering speech?

… oh yeah, you were outside.
Those were my two cents.
If you have any other questions, please deposit a quarter.
This space for rent.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:50PM
crocty at 9:48AM, Dec. 21, 2008
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
But Crocty, that's kind of what TD High is, too. Newfag, remember?

I think someone stole my flamethrower. D:
Oh dear.

That is unfortunate.

Product, if you still need someone with a flamethrower, I found one earlier I can use! :D
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:52AM
Product Placement at 11:32AM, Dec. 21, 2008
posts: 7,078
joined: 10-18-2007
I think someone stole my flamethrower. D:
Oh dear.

That is unfortunate.

Product, if you still need someone with a flamethrower, I found one earlier I can use! :D

Great Crocty. As long as someone is around with heavy weaponry. And Dragonizer. Shame on you for loosing such a valuable piece. Where would we be if it weren't for Crocty.

so lets have a dance fight

*complete gibberish*

What Herio tried to say but failed utterly was this!

Those were my two cents.
If you have any other questions, please deposit a quarter.
This space for rent.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:50PM

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