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Unpleasant Discoveries about YOU
worstcase at 4:22PM, April 13, 2009
posts: 224
joined: 1-15-2007
Yesterday, I unearthed a notebook full of drawings from 1st or 2nd grade.

One of the drawings was a boy pissing all over the page. It was, shall we say, anatomically correct

There are other drawings too, of a worse nature. I don't remember drawing any of these.

I feel like my childhood just died a little.

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:51PM
Aurora Borealis at 5:07PM, April 13, 2009
posts: 1,289
joined: 3-2-2008
I used to draw shemales when I was 13 or 14 :P

How's THAT for unpleasant? (and yes, I found the drawings last year when I was sorting my old notes).
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:08AM
lba at 5:26PM, April 13, 2009
posts: 2,751
joined: 5-29-2007
I still draw rude and inappropriate things in places I shouldn't.

I found out recently I was supposed to be a twin, but my other half died in the womb. Supposedly according to some pshrink I saw at one point, this explains my more neurotic and erratic behaviors. I don't know if that's unpleasant so much as weird though.

I don't really have many unpleasant discoveries about myself since I already knew and know most of the unpleasant things about myself.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:29PM
Skullbie at 5:39PM, April 13, 2009
posts: 4,805
joined: 12-9-2007
I was into yaoi when i was 13 and drew these little chibi comics with huge penises, i actually made them for my friends to laugh at(no really) I wish i had kept them but sadly they are lost.

Here's a very factual report on kids and their warped views of sex:
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:47PM
Ryuthehedgewolf at 6:20PM, April 13, 2009
posts: 1,340
joined: 9-2-2007
The fact that, if I do not work out practically every single day, I will be mad/angry all the next day. It's really quite sad.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:16PM
Puff_Of_Smoke at 6:22PM, April 13, 2009
posts: 3,510
joined: 5-28-2007
I ate bugs until I was seven. I have a pet millepede… It doesn't live in a tank.

I honestly have nothing unpleasant for you people to discover…
I have a gun. It's really powerful. Especially against living things.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:56PM
kyupol at 6:53PM, April 13, 2009
posts: 3,736
joined: 1-12-2006
I was into yaoi when i was 13 and drew these little chibi comics with huge penises, i actually made them for my friends to laugh at(no really) I wish i had kept them but sadly they are lost.

Here's a very factual report on kids and their warped views of sex:

I was already thinking about sex at age 4.

I must have been a playboy in a past life. :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:26PM
usedbooks at 7:00PM, April 13, 2009
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
All kids are interested in sex. It's part of kids' curiosity.

I didn't have “warped views,” though. My mom taught high school biology and health. Lots of sex related books and VHS tapes were in our house. I had a nice boring academic view of sex when I was in grade school.

The only embarrassing things I did was draw unicorn horns on all the horses in any book we had and crawl around the house pretending to be a cat (lapping water out of a saucer and everything).
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:37PM
Rengishi at 7:14PM, April 13, 2009
posts: 437
joined: 4-3-2009
I liked shemales
PSN account: OrangeDJ1
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:05PM
Sea_Cow at 8:31PM, April 13, 2009
posts: 2,689
joined: 4-5-2007
I walked in on my parents having sex when I was five. GURGH.
I am so happy to finally be back home
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:26PM
Jonko at 8:38PM, April 13, 2009
posts: 377
joined: 2-9-2007
I used to watch my hamsters mate. I guess it was porn for 7 year olds.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:10PM
HyenaHell at 9:11PM, April 13, 2009
posts: 1,568
joined: 11-13-2008
I recently found a bunch of my old drawings and notebooks. I don't know if I'd call any of it unpleasant. Some of it's a bit odd or disturbing, but I've always been pretty “inappropriate”, and I guess I wasn't any different then- with drawing gross bodily functions, naked people, sex organs, etc… I just draw ‘em better now. ;)

I do remember selling “naked lady” drawings to older kids on the bus when I was 8 or 9, though. Probably for like, a nickle or something. That’s kind of dodgy, I guess.

The only embarrassing things I did was draw unicorn horns on all the horses in any book we had and crawl around the house pretending to be a cat (lapping water out of a saucer and everything).
I did that too! Except I was pretending to be a dog. lol!

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:52PM
Dark Pascual at 9:24PM, April 13, 2009
posts: 498
joined: 1-5-2009
I used to play with my sister's Barbie dolls…in a very not family friendly manner…

In my defense, I was 13…
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:07PM
TheFlyingGreenMonkey at 11:38PM, April 13, 2009
posts: 3,830
joined: 12-19-2008
I hated people until I got to junior year in high school. I had/have a speach impendiment. I had/have a quick temper and as a kid I'd beat up bullies.

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:16PM
Custard Trout at 2:16AM, April 14, 2009
posts: 4,566
joined: 2-22-2007
I ate things. Things like gravel, mud, and my own vomit.
Hey buddy, you should be a Russian Cosmonaut, and here's why.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:02PM
Chernobog at 2:33AM, April 14, 2009
posts: 926
joined: 11-3-2007
When I was in my late teens, I unearthed a piece of notebook paper I had written around 12 about a code of exact rules I would live by in a given situation, almost like programming for a robot. They were very arrogant and idealistic, so I promptly threw them out in disgust. What a difference a few years made.

“You tell yourself to just
enjoy the process,” he added. “That whether you succeed or fail, win or
lose, it will be fine. You pretend to be Zen. You adopt detachment, and
ironic humor, while secretly praying for a miracle.”
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:41AM
HyenaHell at 7:41AM, April 14, 2009
posts: 1,568
joined: 11-13-2008
Ha! In Chernobog's vein of “Ug. So embarrassing I actually wrote this that it must be destroyed!”: I used to write loooong vampire stories.

Like, super melodramatic crap. And every character had this really elaborate, gothic way of speaking. And they'd all give like, page-long speeches about pretty much nothing. These things were like, 200+ pages long, written in notebooks (it was before I had a computer). It was ridiculous.

I found them when I was 18 or so, puked in disgust, and threw them out. I wish I hadn't! I do still have some older writing from them days, and it's hilarious. Ah, teenage angst!
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:52PM
Niccea at 7:45AM, April 14, 2009
posts: 5,902
joined: 8-10-2007
Hyena H_ll
Ha! In Chernobog's vein of “Ug. So embarrassing I actually wrote this that it must be destroyed!”: I used to write loooong vampire stories.

Like, super melodramatic crap. And every character had this really elaborate, gothic way of speaking. And they'd all give like, page-long speeches about pretty much nothing. These things were like, 200+ pages long, written in notebooks (it was before I had a computer). It was ridiculous.

I found them when I was 18 or so, puked in disgust, and threw them out. I wish I hadn't! I do still have some older writing from them days, and it's hilarious. Ah, teenage angst!
Could have beaten out Twilight…

I really got nothing.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:13PM
Hakoshen at 8:39AM, April 14, 2009
posts: 2,090
joined: 11-23-2008
I've been drawing smut since I was 10 and writing stories for about the same time. That's almost 16 years. And it's unbelievable how bad some of that stuff is. Yeah I kept it. As terrible as it is I can't make myself burn it.
God needed the Devil, the Beatles needed the Rolling Stones, Hakoshen needs me.
I'm the enemy he requires to define him.
Soon or later, he'll bring me back to life again for another epic encounter of shouting about power levels and grimacing.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:41PM
bravo1102 at 10:26AM, April 14, 2009
posts: 6,130
joined: 1-21-2008
When I was 13 I wrote a Pythonesque parody of the Nativity.

After I had taught myself how to draw women by tracing anatomy pictures I did a series of pictures of scantily clad girls menaced by Bug Eyed monsters and Mad scientists. This was before all that anime stuff so I copied Pulp Sci-fi pictures.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:33AM
worstcase at 4:26PM, April 14, 2009
posts: 224
joined: 1-15-2007
Wow! This is very…interesting?

Anyway, I found a diary filled with 4th grader angst. My favorite sentence so far is:

“Liz shaved her legs today. I'm so jealous.”

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:51PM
Koshou at 5:30PM, April 14, 2009
posts: 198
joined: 1-19-2008
I… I can't really remember anything from when I was younger.

except that I used to eat my dog's food, apparently. yeah. he was practically my brother anyway! D:
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:21PM
HippieVan at 5:52PM, April 14, 2009
posts: 3,003
joined: 3-15-2008
Worst thing I've found is that my writing hasn't changed since I was in first grade. At all. A girl who I'm in school with now showed me a card I made when she moved away that year. So not only do I talk like a retarded kindergartener, I write like one.

Other than that I've always been a quiet, good kid.

I don't really have any old diaries or stories because every time I find something like that I'm like F***, I hate myself and throw it out. I don't keep diaries any more.
I do have a box of doodles and some thoughts scribbled down which I have had since I was 12 or so.
Duchess of Friday Newsposts and the holy Top Ten
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:49PM
HyenaHell at 5:54PM, April 14, 2009
posts: 1,568
joined: 11-13-2008
Wow! This is very…interesting?

Anyway, I found a diary filled with 4th grader angst. My favorite sentence so far is:

“Liz shaved her legs today. I'm so jealous.”

Ha! That's great! But… 4th graders shaving their legs? I don't even think I knew about any of that stuff back then. lol!

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:52PM
Pineapple at 3:00AM, April 15, 2009
posts: 276
joined: 4-21-2008
My sister said cool people ate grass and convinced me to. I then ate grass until my mum caught me.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:43PM
Aurora Borealis at 5:45AM, April 15, 2009
posts: 1,289
joined: 3-2-2008
Hyena H_ll
Ha! In Chernobog's vein of “Ug. So embarrassing I actually wrote this that it must be destroyed!”: I used to write loooong vampire stories.

Like, super melodramatic crap. And every character had this really elaborate, gothic way of speaking. And they'd all give like, page-long speeches about pretty much nothing. These things were like, 200+ pages long, written in notebooks (it was before I had a computer). It was ridiculous.

I found them when I was 18 or so, puked in disgust, and threw them out. I wish I hadn't! I do still have some older writing from them days, and it's hilarious. Ah, teenage angst!

I think I saved about 90% of my writing from the old days. There are some embarassing stories here and there (I came up with “troglins, creatures that can control the living, turning them into zombies, who then send these zombies in armies of a million or three to attack border castles” and the way to get rid of them was to dig a huge hole in front of the castle, use fire spells to direct them towards it, wait for them all to fall and then set them on fire… while still being alive!) but overall quite a lot of them have some pretty smart ideas which I've been salvaging for my scripts :D

Sadly, I lost almost all of my comics that I drew between the age of 5 and 12 (there was like couple of thousand pages total).
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:08AM
HyenaHell at 6:51AM, April 15, 2009
posts: 1,568
joined: 11-13-2008
Aurora Borealis
Sadly, I lost almost all of my comics that I drew between the age of 5 and 12 (there was like couple of thousand pages total).
Somehow, it doesn't surprise me that you've always been pathologically prolific! ;)

I've toyed around with the idea of posting some old comics- one especially that my brother and I drew that's just… surreal! I think it'd be fun to have a collab project where folks posted their childhood drawings/ comics. >:) Tre humbling!

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:52PM
Chernobog at 7:51AM, April 15, 2009
posts: 926
joined: 11-3-2007
As a child, I was extremely trusting and non-objective. I didn't understand why anyone would want to hurt or trick someone else. As such, a friend told me dandelions tasted good, like honeysuckles. So proffered one, I ate a dandelion.

Patently untrue! Bleagh! One of the most bitter things I've ever tasted. I still hear the occasional word around here about frying up a dandelion, for some reason.

“You tell yourself to just
enjoy the process,” he added. “That whether you succeed or fail, win or
lose, it will be fine. You pretend to be Zen. You adopt detachment, and
ironic humor, while secretly praying for a miracle.”
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:41AM
Aurora Borealis at 7:52AM, April 15, 2009
posts: 1,289
joined: 3-2-2008
Hyena H_ll
Aurora Borealis
Sadly, I lost almost all of my comics that I drew between the age of 5 and 12 (there was like couple of thousand pages total).

Hyena H_ll
Somehow, it doesn't surprise me that you've always been pathologically prolific! ;)
Pathologically prolific. Haha, brilliant. :D

Hyena H_ll
I've toyed around with the idea of posting some old comics- one especially that my brother and I drew that's just… surreal! I think it'd be fun to have a collab project where folks posted their childhood drawings/ comics. >:) Tre humbling!

This was drawn by me when I was 13 or so. It's two pages scanned from a notebook that was my “comics magazine”. All improvised, no script. Two SF tales, one fantasy, then weird “race” comic that takes four pages, another four pager with conan and finally a 20-pager with my take on Transformers :D

This is from the fantasy one obviously.

text on right page: “It won't be easy to defeat them.”
caption “one hour later”
“I'm doing all right so far.”

last edited on July 14, 2011 11:08AM
Kristen Gudsnuk at 8:46AM, April 15, 2009
posts: 1,338
joined: 10-4-2006
Hyena H_ll
I recently found a bunch of my old drawings and notebooks. I don't know if I'd call any of it unpleasant. Some of it's a bit odd or disturbing, but I've always been pretty “inappropriate”, and I guess I wasn't any different then- with drawing gross bodily functions, naked people, sex organs, etc… I just draw ‘em better now. ;)

I do remember selling “naked lady” drawings to older kids on the bus when I was 8 or 9, though. Probably for like, a nickle or something. That’s kind of dodgy, I guess.

The only embarrassing things I did was draw unicorn horns on all the horses in any book we had and crawl around the house pretending to be a cat (lapping water out of a saucer and everything).
I did that too! Except I was pretending to be a dog. lol!

OMG! My sister and I had a game like this, it was called “Lion dog and Chiquet!” we came up with dog alter-egos, (my sis was lion dog, hahahaha…) and we just crawled around and barked at people.

I have so many warped stories from my youth… my kindergarten teacher called my mom in for a conference once because of an extremely violent religious image I drew– it had angels with swords marching into hell and they had a speech bubble that said, “Let's kill all the devils!”

Also I really liked to draw breasts when I was very young.. just the rounded w shape was, for me, very fun.. but my mom caught on to what I was doing and when she saw me she gave me disappointed looks, so I would draw another one upside down, connect them by two lines and turn them into dog bones.. I stumbled across an old journal of mine, I was like 8 or so, and it was just filled with pictures of big, big dog bones. sometimes with faces floating haphazardly above obvious voluptuous breasts.

Once I got to be around twelve or thirteen.. I won't even TELL you what I was drawing. (aside from unicorns and pikachus)
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:22PM

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