Bulletproof News

The Pitfalls of Auto-Updating...
spacehamster at 9:46PM, Aug. 26, 2007
posts: 500
joined: 8-3-2007

Well, looks like I really effed up yesterday. I uploaded pages 5 and 6 a week in advance as usual, but I forgot to set the live dates properly. Which resulted in 3, 5 and 6 going live on the same day with 4 missing. I'm an idiot.

Judging by the number of pageviews I had yesterday, there's no point removing the pages again, so I just re-uploaded page 4 with a new live date. In other words, if you're a regular reader, please go back and re-read everything from page 3 or 4 to where we are now.

This really sucks because the flashback sequence with Atlas was kind of important, and now I've messed it all up. Not to mention I've just lost 10 days of buffer.

Sorry, folks. Next update on Wednesday as usual.


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