Issue 1: Origins (Current Issue being Rewritten)
Summary: The Lost Issue (Litterally)
Kyle Canton was a nobody. No money, no talent, bullied day after day at school, and only three people in the world who he could call his friends. That all changed one night when a stray lightning bolt changed his, and his country's lives forever.
Issue 2: Nemesis
Summary: Unexpected Welcome
While Kyle works behind the scenes under his new alter ego of Wireless, Chet constructs a plan to crush Kyle's beacon of hope before it starts. When the fight knocks him in front of a live news report how will the country respond to the first super hero and super villain in the last 76+ years?
Issue 3: It's a Wonderful Strife (Will be released after the re-release of Issue 1)
Summary: If Things Were Different…
Despite being forbidden to interfere, Ichaeriak refuses to give up. Sending his assistant to Kyle who has gone into hiding from MAPLE. When the assistant arrives, he offers Kyle an opportunity many wish for but few ever see. A chance to change the past to ensure a future where Wireless doesn't exist. But was this choice really wise?
Issue 4: Time to End This!
Summary: Is This Justice? Or is This Vengeance?
Issue 5: Project Harks Cry
Summary: Who is the Monster?
Issue 6: Choices
Summary: “Human Nature is so Predictable, so Simple, It's my Duty to Prove That.”
Issue 7: The Doctor
Summary: They Thought He Was Dead… But He Was Waiting
Issue 8: Planning
Summary: Something is Brewing. The End is Coming
Issue 9: Project Creeping Death
Summary: It Was Meant as a Last Resort… Now It's Loose
Issue 10: The End
Summary: No Matter What the Cost… It Ends Tonight!
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