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What Would you do?
scri66leKitty at 5:12PM, Feb. 11, 2013
posts: 14
joined: 12-20-2007
You and your friend are walking through a desert with the sun beating down your backs
throat parched as paper you reach into your backpack for the last bit of water
your friend eyes you enviously and it looks like the two of you are about to become enimies
But suddenly your friend faints to the ground he looks like he's about to die from dehydration and begs you for the last sip.
Theres only enough water for one and this last sip will probably save your friend life
then again there is a gas station up ahead and if you save the water for yourself maybe you could reach it.

So what do you do?
Give the water to your friend. . .

. . .Or drink it yourself?
Ozoneocean at 7:17PM, Feb. 11, 2013
posts: 28,896
joined: 1-2-2004
Save friend, then lay down, rest, and conserve energy till nightfall, then try and make it the rest of the way in the evening cool.
Ozoneocean at 7:37PM, Feb. 11, 2013
posts: 28,896
joined: 1-2-2004
Is that a booring answer?
OK, I'm making my friend a sexy woman- Now I give her the water to save her and lick her sweat to keep me going till I get to the station. :D
Snevilly at 9:21PM, Feb. 11, 2013
posts: 66
joined: 5-24-2010
I give my friend the water, then eat a cactus and trip balls the entire way to the station, where we arrive loopy, but in good health. (Yeah, I know only some cacti make you trip, but if Oz can lick a hot girl's sweat, then I can pick a cactus with phycoactive properties.)
One or two of them might just make you giggle: MyInstagram, projectBlog, andRPG Blog
Ozoneocean at 9:07PM, Feb. 12, 2013
posts: 28,896
joined: 1-2-2004
OK, another go…

I sit down next to my friend, notice something hard under me… so I dig down in the dirt and uncover a stone door. I lift it with difficulty, it opens into a cool, dark passageway. I give water to my friend to revive him and we both crawl inside.
We head on down for about ten minutes and notice it's slowly getting brighter and brighter, and steeper too. Then our feet slip from under us and we fall headlong down and down…
Till we land with a soft plomp into magical Wonderland where the Queen of Hearts makes us both Dukes and we spend our days playing flamingo croquet, drinking tea, and avoid having our heads chopped off.

It's a good life.
bravo1102 at 12:21AM, Feb. 13, 2013
posts: 6,151
joined: 1-21-2008
I know a sip of water will not get me to the gas station any more than not having it. So I leavemy associatethe water and I start out for the gas station. I summon every bit of energy and endurance and I know I will make it. Mind over matter, it works. Someone has to do something and I'm the only guy here to do it, so I'll do it.

If things really are as dire as described there would be no sweat to lick because the body was that dehydrated. In that case a sip of water wouldn't make any difference. Only endurance and perserverance.
BffSatan at 2:07AM, Feb. 13, 2013
posts: 1,478
joined: 3-2-2008
I would probably just die. I'm pretty hopeless at this kind of thing.
Ozoneocean at 6:22AM, Feb. 13, 2013
posts: 28,896
joined: 1-2-2004
Phone an air ambulance and ride home the easy, and super expensive way. :)
bravo1102 at 6:56AM, Feb. 13, 2013
posts: 6,151
joined: 1-21-2008
A scene very similar to this appears in Clive Cussler's Dirk Pitt adventure Sahara. The author has himself appear to rescue the two stranded heroes.

Something similar happens in the 1943 movie Sahara and there the intrepid American soldier is found by a British patrol. One has to love a movie that co-stars Humphrey Bogart and an M3 tank named Lulubelle.

I'd yell “END PROGRAM, EXIT!” and watch the desert fade to a rectangular field and the door appear on the holodeck.

I'd watch the gas station fade away as a mirage to be replaced by a gang of Taliban who machine gun me and my friend.

I'd reach the gas station and be rescued by Jonathan Winters and discover I'm in a race to collect $100,000 buried under a “big dubya”

I'd stand up and ask the director for a five minute break so I can get a glass of water.
Ozoneocean at 7:47AM, Feb. 13, 2013
posts: 28,896
joined: 1-2-2004
bravo1102 wrote:
A scene very similar to this appears in Clive Cussler's Dirk Pitt adventure Sahara. The author has himself appear to rescue the two stranded heroes.
Aw… they didn't do that in the movie of it with Mathew McWhatsisname… :(
That was a flop but I really liked it.

I don't mind the original movie either or the later remake with Jim Belushi that was all shot in Australia… except the Aussie actors couldn't really do the european accents that well.
PIT_FACE at 6:11PM, Feb. 16, 2013
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
I'd give my friend the water.
then when they come to thank me, i kill em and eat em.

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