HA Town Hall

Heroes Alliance Team Dynamics and Character Roles
Nepath at 5:54AM, Oct. 21, 2009
posts: 337
joined: 6-4-2007
Didn't know where to post this but just wondered if there was a team leader on the group?

Is Bombshell taking on a leadership role?

Just wondered before I got started on the cover.
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:27AM
Sebastian_Sandberg at 10:57AM, Oct. 21, 2009
posts: 207
joined: 6-24-2009
I agree with fukujinzuke, Bombshell would naturally assume the role of leader. I don't want to make the team too hierarchic though. As I see it, Bombshell would act as a tactician (like in HU #1, in which she barked orders at Acrobat & Hellfire during the climax) and also handle some PR and bureaucratic aspects.

That is a pretty good description for how Abe envisions Bombshell's role as leader.
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:38AM
Abt_Nihil at 9:02AM, Oct. 22, 2009
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
Yup! What Seb said.

Also - I haven't said this before, but out of all the team members we've got at this point, Relik seems the most “iconic” to me. He radiates power. So if Bombshell is our Batman, Relik is our (dark) Superman. I don't think any of the two is a clear-cut leader on the Justice League either, but it's pretty clear that the Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman trinity plays a leading role.
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:38AM
Hero at 5:38AM, Dec. 10, 2009
posts: 456
joined: 1-3-2006
So if Bombshell is our Batman, Relik is our (dark) Superman.

Which OBVIOUSLY implies the Comet Kid, with his radiant good looks, suggestive costume and message of peace as sent by the Greek gods is the Wonder Woman of the group.

But, ya know. In all actuality Shell, despite being a tough guy, might be considered the “Wonder Woman” of the group since his “compassion for humanity” is one of his defining characteristics.
K.A.L.A-Dan: Rival!
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:38AM
Abt_Nihil at 10:20AM, Dec. 10, 2009
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
Which OBVIOUSLY implies the Comet Kid, with his radiant good looks, suggestive costume and message of peace as sent by the Greek gods is the Wonder Woman of the group.
Haha! I hadn't even thought of that…

My comparing Bombshell & Relik to Batman & Superman is skewed anyway. Regarding Shell, I picture him as kind of a cold character, while Wonder Woman is quite… warm, to stay with the metaphor. But eh, it's not like every super-team needs a Batman/Superman/WW-trinity.
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:38AM
LuchaCoffee at 10:55AM, Dec. 10, 2009
posts: 331
joined: 4-24-2007
Yeah, I think a Trinity would actually harm HA in some ways since it means that the three in charge would have to make plans and know who to send. Course I could be wrong about that.
I like my horror films like I love my burgers…Full of Cheese!!

last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:38AM
Sebastian_Sandberg at 2:08PM, Dec. 10, 2009
posts: 207
joined: 6-24-2009
If we are making jokeful comparasions, I guess Virtus could be Spidey. Yeah, going cross-company here. XD
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:38AM
Abt_Nihil at 9:49AM, Dec. 11, 2009
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
The Shell/Iron Man comparison is quite obvious, too. (Despite fuku's pointing out that Shell is NOT like Iron Man in important ways :P)

I thought with his accelerated metabolism, Virtus would be more like The Flash :D

Maybe we need a Captain America character… like Power Patriot… wink wink, nudge nudge.
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:39AM
Sebastian_Sandberg at 3:24PM, Dec. 11, 2009
posts: 207
joined: 6-24-2009
I thought with his accelerated metabolism, Virtus would be more like The Flash :D

For the gazillionth time, he's not THAT fast. We were going for character role here, not superpowers. XD
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:39AM
Wes_Nero123 at 1:21PM, Dec. 14, 2009
posts: 65
joined: 7-19-2006
Imp = Plastic-man and Deadpool's lovechild. (not literally)
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:39AM
dcole at 9:07PM, Dec. 15, 2009
posts: 73
joined: 2-24-2009
I would like to point out something I've noticed upon reading the “back issues” of HU:
There seems to be a lot of gaps in between the issues, as in how the HUC was formed, how they tapped so many heroes between volume 2 and 3, and more.
For this endeavor, should we focus on tightening things like this up?
Daniel Cole
Writer/Artist,Carbon and Space
Magazine Editor,The Frontiersman

last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:39AM
Abt_Nihil at 5:04AM, Dec. 16, 2009
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
There seems to be a lot of gaps in between the issues, as in how the HUC was formed, how they tapped so many heroes between volume 2 and 3, and more.
For this endeavor, should we focus on tightening things like this up?
I'd say we should decide this on a case-by-case basis. Generally, our job is not to “clean up” HU continuity. That's not to say that I haven't wondered about what might have happened between HU chapters. It might be interesting to explore these gaps, but if we do, we'll do so because it might be interesting for HA (not because we owe something to HU). Generally speaking, if HU's past doesn't influence HA's present, we needn't bother. (Of course I won't keep someone who finds great story potential in HU's past from coming up with a comic dealing with it, and eventually posting this comic as an HA chapter.)

I always pictured HU as a series of crossover “events” rather than as its own series - meaning, “gaps” could be filled in the individual characters' comics. So far, SHELL and Nepath's own ENERGIZE are the only comics to really have done that (at least I think so - I can't keep up with every comic though). I plan on filling some gaps on BOMBSHELL too, but seeing how slow Bombshell's been progressing no one should bet on that.

HA, on the other hand, is supposed to have less “events” and more “smaller” stories, so we can develop and explore things more thoroughly (assuming, of course, that HA will last long enough).

I was wondering, though, if there was a set cast of characters for the first two issues? It seems that a lot of people from HU are offering their characters to HA, so where does that leave the HU team, and does it also mean that this team is going to be just as massive?

Man, so many questions… In a nutshell, though, what is the line-up right now?
In my mind we'll have a core team - the line-up from chapters 1 & 2: Relik, Shell, Bombshell, Comet Kid, Virtus, Titan, Azumorph, Vora (hope I didn't forget anyone) - and other characters might be invited to join the team later on. Other characters which were submitted in the team building thread might be supporting characters, or take the spotlight in one chapter without appearing regularly. So I think the core team won't be exceeding ten members, but they'll have a large group of more-or-less loose associates around the globe. There will be no centralized HA organization, unlike HU… at least for the foreseeable future.
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:39AM
7he_7ruth at 6:39PM, Dec. 19, 2009
posts: 14
joined: 2-16-2009
So what you're talking about basically is almost like Justice League Unlimted, you have the core members, then every other episode or so they have something about the others. Am I getting the basic picture?
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:39AM
Sebastian_Sandberg at 12:06PM, Dec. 20, 2009
posts: 207
joined: 6-24-2009
Yes, that is quite so, old friend. ;)
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:39AM
Wes_Nero123 at 6:34PM, April 22, 2010
posts: 65
joined: 7-19-2006
Just thought I'd bring this up…

Who's personalities are going to clash on this team? Are there going to be any relationship scenarios? Any two or three people who hate each other? Or rather are good friends on the team?
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:39AM
LuchaCoffee at 6:43PM, April 22, 2010
posts: 331
joined: 4-24-2007
Personality wise, Peligroso would prolly rub people the wrong way, He does seem to enjoy fighting a little too much, so people who are more pacifistic or moderately would feel that he gives into the bloodlust, also someone could rub him the wrong way ( example being Mr. Imp tries to make light of something and that rubs Peli the wrong way, maybe even trying to get him to laugh about it)
I like my horror films like I love my burgers…Full of Cheese!!

last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:39AM
AzuJOD at 8:20PM, April 22, 2010
posts: 376
joined: 8-14-2007
I definitely see Azumorph and Mr Imp clashing. Azu's more clever and wiser while Imp's overconfident and foolish. Also, Imp reminds Azu of what he used to be like when he was Chango Presto, so that probably causes some friction.
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:39AM
SympleSymon at 2:33AM, April 23, 2010
posts: 208
joined: 11-28-2006
I'd like Relik and SHELL to have an awkward start (you'll see why when the origin pages go up!), but hopefully grow to be close allies and friends.

If Relik finds out Azumorph was partly inspired to restart his hero-career from the life of PowerPatriot, maybe he'd find another kindred soul there…

Imp, who I'm just assuming is going to be like the ‘Beast Boy’ or ‘Plastic Man’ of the group (no offence! I loved them both - the joker-dynamic on a team is always awesome), is yet to be known how Relik would get on with him.

Bombshell… well, who can tell with her, huh?

Peligroso - From what sux just said about him, I think Relik would be EXTREMELY wary of his seemingly-short fuse. But he may come to rely on his combat experience in the future…

As for clashes, well it's miles away but when Relik/Brad is revealed as an alien ‘invader’ (for reasons I won't go into for the sake of spoilers), that might cause a reluctant manhunt - not unlike the ‘Hunted’ story of Energize but for entirely different reasons - because he never trusted anyone on the team with THAT particular secret up until that point.
Retake - What happens when a movie star goes from portraying a hero on the silverscreen to becoming one in real-life? Nothing good…

last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:39AM
Hero at 6:22AM, April 23, 2010
posts: 456
joined: 1-3-2006
I figure Comet Kid gets along with alot of the younger members. Azumorph and him seem to be playing off each other in the first couple of scripts, I keep drawing/writing him and Vora hanging out so I guess they're cool despite Comet Kid being a bit annoying at her and I always saw him and Titan getting along because of identifying with the whole responsibility being thrust on them thing, though Comet Kid to a lesser degree. The more serious adults, like the two Shells, I see Comet Kid occasionally rubbing them the wrong way by being chatty or overeager, or fan-boy-ing it up about how cool it is to hang out with them but probably being put up with because of his respect and admiration towards them if not genuinely liked if only in the way Batman or say Wolverine show they like some of the kids they hang out with.
K.A.L.A-Dan: Rival!
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:39AM
Sebastian_Sandberg at 7:19AM, April 23, 2010
posts: 207
joined: 6-24-2009
Virtus and Peligroso - Absolutely despises the overly violent anti-hero archetype, so Peligroso would definately rub him the wrong way.

Virtus and Bombshell - Like probably 99% of the male members (and perhaps some girls too, who knows? XD) he might be having a hormone-based crush on her. But he respects women too much (or let's just call it plain shyness) to act upon his desires and remains professional.

Virtus and Titan - Silent respect from Virtus for her being the only one that knows his secret identity, due to being from an alternate future where his secret was exposed after he was killed in battle. (Although that last part he doesn't know about of course.)

Virtus and Shell - I originally thought that Shell and Virtus would clash a lot over metahuman intolerance issues, but seeing as Shell seems to be a lot cooler about this than before he joined the HU, this may no longer come into play.

Virtus and Vora - Two V-heroes on one team… I still think of it as a “no biggie-”deal between the two, haven't talked to Tempest about it.

Being 18, at the threshold of maturity, Virtus may find the more “hyper” younger members annoying, but not consider them someone he would dislike.

He may also come off as annoying in the long run for his altruist view on things such as sexuality, interspecies tolerance (demons, elves etc.), life and all that other good stuff.
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:39AM
LuchaCoffee at 9:06AM, April 23, 2010
posts: 331
joined: 4-24-2007
Virtus and Peligroso - Absolutely despises the overly violent anti-hero archetype, so Peligroso would definately rub him the wrong way.

Virtus: I could see that culminating to a Peligroso/ Virtus fight….I like it XD

Relik: He'd probably respect him, but his “short fuse” that Dave was talking about could keep him from really getting along with him

Mr. Imp: He'd prolly want to smack the living daylights out of him :P, He's a more “cynical or snarky” sort of guy, so Imp's constant foolishness might push him over the edge.

Bombshell: He'd respect her because of her notoriety, not exactly the “crushing on” that Peli would be into.

Vora: I haven't talked to Tempest in awhile, so I'm not sure how it would go, But from reading some of the more recent pages on Tempest's comic, I think Peligroso would kind of admire her, Being that she is still kind of a child but working hard to help her ailing mother and help to raise her brother and never (seeming) to fall into dispair over it.

Comet Kid: He'd prolly like the kids enthusiasm, but also be slightly annoyed by his sort of hero worship.

Bleeder: I'm not too sure about this one either, I kinda like the aspect of two “demonicly affliates” on a team, maybe their differences in how they deal with it might be an interesting conflict.

Dr. Destiny: I think Peli and Destiny could be ok with each other, might be cool to show a little conflict because of their ideals.

Blue Jay: I think he would at first think the kid is too rash, but would respect him in the end with his determination to prove himself.

Titan: Since Titan is from the future, maybe she knows something about him that he doesn't know, which could intrique him, or possibly condemn him.

Azumorph: After reading a little on what AzuJod wrote about his sort of dynamics with Peligroso, I could see them sort of having a tough friendship because of Peligroso's lust to fight, but Peligroso would probably like that Azumorph could be a guy who could help him keep his cool, maybe even consider him a personal friend possibly.

Shell: I could see a little mutual respect, but I think they would more of “Keep out of my way” sort of teammates, maybe a little conflict if Peligroso's violence could possibly injure innocent people.

I like my horror films like I love my burgers…Full of Cheese!!

last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:40AM
Wes_Nero123 at 2:39PM, April 23, 2010
posts: 65
joined: 7-19-2006
Imp and Azu:
I definitely see Azumorph and Mr Imp clashing. Azu's more clever and wiser while Imp's overconfident and foolish. Also, Imp reminds Azu of what he used to be like when he was Chango Presto, so that probably causes some friction.

I agree completely I see major conflict there.

Imp and Relik: I'm not too sure about this one either….I borrowed characteristics of Imp from myself, and I'm a big fan of Relik, so perhaps Imp would have a fanboy-ish attitude towards him??

Imp and Virtus: Hrmm, I have no idea here

Imp and Shell: I feel like Imp would remind Shell of his dead friend Hightide, so there might be some closeness there perhaps. Shell might serve as a father-figrue of some sorts??

Imp and Bombshell: A woman as together and confident as Bombshell would intimidate him a lot, but not enough to quell his hormones…

Imp and Bleeder: HORMONES

Imp and Peligroso: Peligroso's attitude would be more of a reason for Imp to pester him. Potential conflict there.

Imp and Vora: She's younger, and not really super eye-candy so I see Imp being more of an annoying big brother towards her with no sexual implications behind it.

Imp and Comet kid: I can see a good relationship between them, Comet kid is full of lighthearted humor and is a good sport.

Imp and Dr. Destiny: Remains to be seen…

Imp and Titan: Remains to be seen…
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:40AM
Abt_Nihil at 5:53PM, April 23, 2010
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
Bombshell x Azumorph: She would trust and respect him, seeing as how he made it through difficult times and has “grown up” despite being young. This aspect would remind her of herself a bit.

Bombshell x Relik: I think she would be a bit wary of him… he's obviously very powerful, but for her there's no absolute certainty about whether he can handle his power. So she'd treat him like a kid playing with a dangerous toy… she may like Brad for his charms and looks though.

Bombshell x Virtus: She thinks he's cute… because of his idealism :P Still, she may expect him to lose it somewhere down the road, so she might condescend to him.

Bombshell x Shell: Probably one of the few members with whom she connects on a more “serious” basis. He's not especially friendly or relatable or attractive (at least to her :3), but he's serious about what he does, and that's what she respects and completely understands.

Bombshell x Bleeder: Cat fight. Bleeder is leading the life Bombshell couldn't have.

Bombshell x Peligroso: She does like his edginess, but will try to control him rather than trust him. As long as she can harness his power for her own ends, it's cool. She'll probably show her dominant side. This depends a lot on the role Peligroso will play on HA.

Bombshell x Comet Kid: She trusts him completely, but she's not a big fan of the light-hearted approach to the superhero-thing and will frown at him a lot :P

Bombshell x Mr Imp: Similar to Comet Kid, only that she might find Imp all-out obnoxious at times. It's not like she can't appreciate a good joke though, especially if they're as over-the-top absurd or hyper as those Imp dishes out, so at times she and Imp might really hit it off. But if so, it would be because she gravitates to a mindset like “everything's just a big joke”… tragedy and comedy can be very close.

Bombshell x Vora: Vora is likely to be the most insecure team member, and Bombshell might urge her to “grow up” or act like a parent at times, or at least like a big sister…

Bombshell x Titan: Something similar goes for Titan, since she might feel out of place and act insecure at times. I think she has more experience than Vora though, so Bombshell would rather make sure to boost her self-esteem frequently rather than act like a parent. I guess she would show a softer side toward Titan.

Bombshell x Blue Jay: Not sure yet.

Bombshell x Dr. Destiny: Not sure yet.
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:40AM
AzuJOD at 8:54PM, April 23, 2010
posts: 376
joined: 8-14-2007
If Relik finds out Azumorph was partly inspired to restart his hero-career from the life of PowerPatriot, maybe he'd find another kindred soul there…
I like that idea. They can relate by both being savvy about the whole superhero business.

While he does like and trust her, he thinks her politics-focused vigilantism may get her into trouble. He also suspects her of being a closeted exhibitionist.

Azu finds Shell to be cold and distant, but is able to find common ground with both of them being non-American.

Azu wonders why Virtus is so opposed to joining Heroes Unite, but is otherwise OK with him.

Azu-Comet Kid
Azu is impressed with Comet Kid's superhero knowledge, but finds habit of dropping Spanish words into his sentences to be kinda annoying.

He thinks shes a good kid with a lot of heart, but worries she may be overworking herself, with sick mother and all.

Azu thinks it best not to ask her too many questions about the future. Even so, he thinks her coming back in time is already changing the future, so anything she knows probably isn't so anymore. He also has a suspicion of who her parents might be (if she hasn't told him), but he's not saying anything to her yet.

Azu-Blue Jay
Not quite sure yet. They worked together during “Operation Freefall” so Azu knows he's a good kid.

Azu is suspicious of her demon-related powers, but knows that dark and twisted is not always evil (just look at Relik)

Pretty similar to his opinions of Bleeder, as well sometimes needing to hold him back, and telling him when it's okay to “bust some heads”

Azu-Dr. Destiny
Don't know, probably hasn't met him yet.

Adding to what I said before, while Azu doesn't particularity like Imp, he trusts him, and often show some friendliness towards him.

There, I thinks that's everyone.
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:40AM
Sebastian_Sandberg at 1:33PM, April 25, 2010
posts: 207
joined: 6-24-2009
Bombshell x Virtus: She thinks he's cute… because of his idealism :P Still, she may expect him to lose it somewhere down the road, so she might condescend to him.

I've been in just enough shipping fandoms to be careful with the use of x:s connecting names together, Abt. Not that I wouldn't love to work down that road at some time, if only for both to relive stress from a one-night stand. LOL, Kidding! XD Cute, huh? Obviously she's only scratched the surface of his character.

Azu wonders why Virtus is so opposed to joining Heroes Unite, but is otherwise OK with him.

He likes the privacy, and prefers company in small doses. Probably thinks there's some legal clause that would be held against to make him do something (or in some cases, do nothing!) that goes against his principles in a team.
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:40AM
Jules at 9:07AM, April 26, 2010
posts: 272
joined: 8-30-2006
Shadow Fox is a very aggressive and non-sympathetic fighter against his enemies (especially personal ones), but when he's not fighting he's almost a complete opposite.

Personality-wise he's somewhat of a loner and a loser. In groups he'd probably stick out as an outcast because of his poor social skills, but on the other hand, once you get to know him he can be kind, affectionate, and understanding. He admires and has respect for the experienced heroes on the team (Bombshell, SHELL, Relik, & Titan), and I'm not too sure how he'd react with the peers of his age…it would probably depend on the given situation. He would probably have to warm up to them first, or they'd probably joke on him because they'd think he's so soft or feminine or whatever until they'd see how much of a lethal force he is in action.

Overall he's an overly-aggressive fighter yet strongly introverted, shy, and sensitive towards meeting new people..lol.
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:40AM
Abt_Nihil at 9:11AM, April 26, 2010
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
I've been in just enough shipping fandoms to be careful with the use of x:s connecting names together, Abt.
I do love exploiting semantic ambiguities :P

Not that I wouldn't love to work down that road at some time, if only for both to relive stress from a one-night stand. LOL, Kidding! XD Cute, huh? Obviously she's only scratched the surface of his character.
Well, I'm really only referring to what's scripted in HA #1, and I had always assumed that her attitude toward Virtus is a bit condescending… saying someone is “cute” always has some condescending note to it, I think. That doesn't mean that at that moment she'd necessarily mean it in a bad way, but it's bound to come out in a worse way under extreme situations… and that's why we're here, I think: to put our characters through the most extreme situations! :P
last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:40AM
LuchaCoffee at 10:46AM, April 26, 2010
posts: 331
joined: 4-24-2007
Well, I'm really only referring to what's scripted in HA #1, and I had always assumed that her attitude toward Virtus is a bit condescending… saying someone is “cute” always has some condescending note to it, I think. That doesn't mean that at that moment she'd necessarily mean it in a bad way, but it's bound to come out in a worse way under extreme situations… and that's why we're here, I think: to put our characters through the most extreme situations! :P

I agree with the extreme situations part, I love seeing heroes putting everything they got into something, under dire straits and close to the breaking point, and barely making it out of what would could have been a life or death situation.
I like my horror films like I love my burgers…Full of Cheese!!

last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:40AM
SympleSymon at 4:10AM, April 28, 2010
posts: 208
joined: 11-28-2006
Heeey… what's with all the Relik-hatin'?! Abt, I'm looking at YOU :P ‘Kid with dangerous toys’ indeed! *huffs* Lol…

Relik: He'd probably respect him, but his “short fuse” that Dave was talking about could keep him from really getting along with him

For the time being, of course… if there's one thing Relik will soon come to understand in my comic, it's that he should be grateful for what little allies he can muster.

Virtus and Bombshell - Like probably 99% of the male members (and perhaps some girls too, who knows? XD) he might be having a hormone-based crush on her. But he respects women too much (or let's just call it plain shyness) to act upon his desires and remains professional.

Speak for yourself, man :P I guess if everyone's going to go down the ‘hormone-based crush on her’ route not only am I gonna break the mould and have Brad/Relik not at all interested in her in THAT way, but I think it would also be a small mercy since the poor woman sounds like she's about to be FLOODED with admirers. Plus, she thinks he's a BIG KID - that kinda opinion of a guy is so not sexy :D

The best she'll get from him is a respectful, business-formed working relationship… for now. Who knows? Maybe she turns out to be the kinda gal who wants what she can't have *wink-wink* Only kidding!

He may also come off as annoying in the long run for his altruist view on things such as sexuality, interspecies tolerance (demons, elves etc.), life and all that other good stuff.

“Interspecies tolerance” huh? Oh, boy - just wait til Virtus finds out Relik's an ALIEN :O

Imp and Relik: I'm not too sure about this one either….I borrowed characteristics of Imp from myself, and I'm a big fan of Relik, so perhaps Imp would have a fanboy-ish attitude towards him??

HAH! That would not only be awesome and totally cool with me (let alone bewilder Relik), it might even rub Bombshell (and, to an extent, SHELL) up the wrong way comepletely, seeing Imp take to Relik as a rolemodel over them (too dangerous, my ass, lol!).

Bombshell x Relik: I think she would be a bit wary of him… he's obviously very powerful, but for her there's no absolute certainty about whether he can handle his power. So she'd treat him like a kid playing with a dangerous toy… she may like Brad for his charms and looks though.

Huh… right, and see if Brad shows any mutual liking for HER after she's been treating his alter-ego like a child. Yes, Abt, in case you hadn't realised by now, I'm taking this as a good-natured assault on my character, and will now proceed to do everything in my power to make the relationship between the two of them all the more awkward (I already have Relik being practically the only male not attracted to her - poor girl, is she gonna cry into her pillow at night? - he's got pretty much two people who respect (Azumorph) and slightly idolise (Mr. Imp) him. Mate, you've just made me take to the age-old saying ‘Hurt the heroes’ in a whole new way - cause it's not even my hero! Mwahahahaha!

Joking, but seriously, a little bit of contrast from the majority of the male-characters is a good thing. And besides, both characters views of the other are subject to change over time, so it's all good.

Oh, one more thing Abt…

He admires and has respect for the experienced heroes on the team (Bombshell, SHELL, Relik, & Titan)

See? SEE?! ‘Experience hero’ - that's Relik :P

Retake - What happens when a movie star goes from portraying a hero on the silverscreen to becoming one in real-life? Nothing good…

last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:40AM
LuchaCoffee at 7:20AM, April 28, 2010
posts: 331
joined: 4-24-2007
Shadow Fox is a very aggressive and non-sympathetic fighter against his enemies (especially personal ones), but when he's not fighting he's almost a complete opposite.

Personality-wise he's somewhat of a loner and a loser. In groups he'd probably stick out as an outcast because of his poor social skills, but on the other hand, once you get to know him he can be kind, affectionate, and understanding. He admires and has respect for the experienced heroes on the team (Bombshell, SHELL, Relik, & Titan), and I'm not too sure how he'd react with the peers of his age…it would probably depend on the given situation. He would probably have to warm up to them first, or they'd probably joke on him because they'd think he's so soft or feminine or whatever until they'd see how much of a lethal force he is in action.

Overall he's an overly-aggressive fighter yet strongly introverted, shy, and sensitive towards meeting new people..lol.

I think Peligroso would appreciate his fighting skills, but isn't exactly the talk to sort of guy, but you never know :D
I like my horror films like I love my burgers…Full of Cheese!!

last edited on Feb. 12, 2014 12:40AM

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