I decided it would be worthwhile to mirror my comic here, so I just spent the last few minutes uploading my first chapter (and scheduling it to appear at some point in the future).
But I have a bit of an issue- one of my pages is an animated GIF. When I uploaded the file, the file format is still GIF, but it isn't animated when I look at the page. Instead, it's stuck on the first frame.
I'm sure I've seen some people on this site with animated comics. Is there something special I have to do to mark my GIFs as animated? This works on every other site I've uploaded to.

Tips and Tricks/Support *
Uploaded GIFs aren't animated?
at 8:47PM, Dec. 20, 2016
We just don't have enough the option yet. :(
In the future though, we will.
In the future though, we will.
at 10:00PM, July 19, 2019
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