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Writing Comic Book Scripts
MegaRdaniels at 9:03PM, Oct. 18, 2018
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
Hello! I'm mostly a writer on here with an illustrator and I just finished watching this guy's videos here >> Pet Peeves of Comic Writers.

He is very informative about his craft and I have taken his advice on enhancing wordsmithing. However I can agree that there are some writers who can be pompous to their artist and that after they approve a rough sketch of their writing, when the finished product is done all of a sudden they change their tune and pull a Kanye West on them (I'm a free thinker, I'm possessed).

He is absolutely right. For an artist to draw your scenes as the writer produced in his or her script, it needs to be detailed. Too many writers confuse a comic book script and a screenplay. In a screenplay, you write less. You have less freedom, but with a comic book script, you are free to write however long or however, you want to format it. There is no “Industry Standard Format”. You make your own format! However, you just need to be descriptive and specific…not TOO specific, but specific enough for them to know key elements for them to draw.


Script Created in Celtx (Stringy and Mopy: The Adventure Begins)
GearDrag0n at 3:45PM, Oct. 22, 2018
posts: 12
joined: 7-17-2017
Yeah that was a really good video for future reference

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