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How many pages do I need initially?
at 4:47PM, Nov. 26, 2018
Hi everyone! ChipperChartreuse here, it's nice to meet everyone ^^ I have a quick question, how many pages do I need to post up to start? I just started my comic after, like, 20 years of being too chicken to do it *sigh* Oh well, better late than never! Just not sure how much to jump in with since you add regularly, do I need to wait until I have a chapter, wait until I have 8 pages or so, or go with the measley 3 I have and add the next as soon as it's done? Thanks for your time and advice!
at 7:49AM, Nov. 27, 2018
You really can post any number you like, as far as I know. With mine I posted about 5 pages to start, just enough to get readers intrigued. :)
at 7:50AM, Nov. 27, 2018
What matters a lot more is that you update on a regular basis! Then people know when to check in. :)
at 4:45PM, Dec. 25, 2018
Thank you so much, BustyLaroo! It's taken me a while to get back to the community here, but with any luck I'll be posting by new year's:)
at 9:50AM, Dec. 26, 2018
One. Create an update schedule and update regularly. A lot of readers don't want to have to read through a bunch of pages and are patient enough to let the story grow.
Besides it is very, very, very common in webcomics to post a pile of pages up front, then real life intervenes or the creative spark cools and no other page is ever seen as the creator vanishes into the ether.
One page at a time to give yourself time to build a buffer and stoke the creative spark into a steady flame. Too many rush everything up front and are never seen again.
Building an audience is like that movie “Field of Dreams ” . Build the comic and they will come. But take your time and do it right.
Besides it is very, very, very common in webcomics to post a pile of pages up front, then real life intervenes or the creative spark cools and no other page is ever seen as the creator vanishes into the ether.
One page at a time to give yourself time to build a buffer and stoke the creative spark into a steady flame. Too many rush everything up front and are never seen again.
Building an audience is like that movie “Field of Dreams ” . Build the comic and they will come. But take your time and do it right.
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