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Is the internet slowing down because of covid ?
lothar at 8:24AM, May 10, 2020
posts: 1,754
joined: 1-3-2006
It seems like everything is slow AF lately .
is anyone else experiencing this lag ?
Genejoke at 8:50AM, May 10, 2020
posts: 4,238
joined: 4-9-2010
perhaps because it's being used more.
bravo1102 at 2:41PM, May 10, 2020
posts: 6,151
joined: 1-21-2008
Yes, it's probably more people on line doing more things. Only so much bandwidth in the universe.

You know if we like stopped all people from looking at UFO pictures or porn the internet would probably speed up 50%. 🤣
BearinOz at 4:27AM, May 11, 2020
posts: 205
joined: 10-23-2010
I did read, last week, that porn access/downloads in the Bible belt had gone up massively, this past month…

Strangely, my own use has dropped off B-)
lothar at 10:27AM, May 11, 2020
posts: 1,754
joined: 1-3-2006
wut about UFO porn ?
Genejoke at 10:29AM, May 12, 2020
posts: 4,238
joined: 4-9-2010
UFO porn,hmm sounds like a comic collaboration between bravo and el cid.
bravo1102 at 11:23AM, May 12, 2020
posts: 6,151
joined: 1-21-2008
Genejoke wrote:
UFO porn,hmm sounds like a comic collaboration between bravo and el cid.
We're going to add wrestling and it'll be a three way with Jerrie.

That just sounds so wrong. But we are talking about porn and the internet is for porn. :D 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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