Comic Talk and General Discussion *

lothar at 5:26AM, April 9, 2021
posts: 1,754
joined: 1-3-2006
I think if there's some way you can get your comic thumbnail in all 3 rows on the front page at the same time it counts as a bingo. we should post the scrcreneshots here if thats cool . Bingo is 100pts
Ozoneocean at 7:32AM, April 9, 2021
posts: 28,896
joined: 1-2-2004
LOL! Do it 😁
theRedDeath at 9:52AM, April 13, 2021
posts: 86
joined: 1-14-2006
It can be done.

lothar at 3:19PM, April 13, 2021
posts: 1,754
joined: 1-3-2006
100 points goes to Generation Bad
bravo1102 at 3:48PM, April 13, 2021
posts: 6,151
joined: 1-21-2008
I've arranged all my links so I never see that page.

Too damn depressing.

The only way any comic I do could ever get into the top ten again would probably require mass murder and re-education camps like something out of Pol Pot's Cambodia. πŸ˜‚
Ozoneocean at 6:07PM, April 13, 2021
posts: 28,896
joined: 1-2-2004
theRedDeath wrote:
It can be done.

That's amazing!
kawaiidaigakusei at 6:37PM, April 13, 2021
posts: 771
joined: 3-23-2007
There seems to be a correlation of the top ten comics and updating frequency. πŸ€”
( Β΄ β–½ ` )οΎ‰
hushicho at 8:35PM, April 13, 2021
posts: 161
joined: 10-4-2007
I'm afraid it's a false correlation!
β™₯*β™‘βˆž:q.q Official Site q.q:βˆžβ™‘*β™₯
bravo1102 at 5:41AM, April 14, 2021
posts: 6,151
joined: 1-21-2008
hushicho wrote:
I'm afraid it's a false correlation!

Statistics are funny things. Four people reading a comic with a 250 page archive can send it into the top ten. One person viewing a 1000 page archive will send that comic into the top ten.

And that comic need not have updated in months.

There are comics in the top fifty that haven't updated yet this year so it's probably all archival page views.

And there are comics that update two to three times a week that barely break the top one hundred. Guess what category my work is in. 🀣🀣
last edited on April 14, 2021 5:47AM
Ozoneocean at 8:18PM, April 14, 2021
posts: 28,896
joined: 1-2-2004
Ah Bravo, if you want to increase in popularity then you have to go on the hint for new readers… Welcome to Twitter, Instagram, Advertising, doing guest comics, video tutorials on youtube… all that tedious and boring promotional stuff :(
bravo1102 at 5:04AM, April 15, 2021
posts: 6,151
joined: 1-21-2008
Ozoneocean wrote:
Ah Bravo, if you want to increase in popularity then you have to go on the hint for new readers… Welcome to Twitter, Instagram, Advertising, doing guest comics, video tutorials on youtube… all that tedious and boring promotional stuff :(

I am Ozone, I am. I just like playing around. It's a slow process and I'm not allowed to spend any money. Shd Who Must Be Obeyed so decrees.

I've been going back over all the promo tutorials. Even slowly learning about hashtags.

Back to the topic. I have gotten two of the three, but with so many comics It's not the same two. Even once saw the random line have two of my comics at the same time. But I'm still figuring out how to do screenshots. Only managed to do one by accident when wiping down the screen. 🀣🀣
lothar at 5:24AM, April 15, 2021
posts: 1,754
joined: 1-3-2006
Half of the top ten are always there. There is only room for about 3 or 4 other comics to ever break into that row. Too bad we don't have one extra row there to differentiate between “popular now” and “all time popular”

But then that would complicate the BINGO

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