Comic Talk and General Discussion *

hushicho at 4:31PM, Oct. 14, 2021
posts: 161
joined: 10-4-2007
Since they've recently announced plans to lick Mastercard's jackboots and start demanding scans of people's IDs, I did a little video essay discussing why that's a bad thing. You can check it out here if you like, but more than anything, I just want to try to appeal to people not to trust Patreon – or any other similar site – with such potentially dangerous information. Especially if you are a minority or oppressed social group where you are, do not share this information with Patreon or anyone else.

They are not reliable, they are not secure, and it serves absolutely no purpose. These companies are going to have to get it into their heads that these little power stunts are not acceptable, and we're not interested anymore. Because if they keep pulling their flexes and seeing results, then they're just going to take more and more, until there's nothing left.

Please, never give any company that kind of power over you by basically handing them the keys to your life. Identity theft is real, and it's nasty. And none of these companies are doing this for your benefit, and none of them are secure enough to trust with such sensitive information, not that they need it in the first place.
♥*♡∞:。.。 Official Site 。.。:∞♡*♥
lothar at 4:48PM, Oct. 14, 2021
posts: 1,741
joined: 1-3-2006
Likewise, we shouldn't be forced to have experimental drugs injected into us.
The fact that these are contraversial ideas shows the kind of sci-fi dystopia we are now living in.

Don't trust the corporate overlords and communists
ArrenMcStealsalot at 8:43AM, Oct. 15, 2021
posts: 41
joined: 8-24-2021
What do you mean? I shouldn't trust Big Corporation? B-but Big Corporation cares about me and does all those things for my safety. They even announce a special day, just for me, when they change their logo to show how they support me. I should worship Great Corporation and protect it with my own life. Anyone who says it's wrong is obviously a Nazi and I don't need to listen. That's what Big Corporation told me.

But speaking more seriously, I just hate how those corporations are trying to get more and more power every day, often using “think about the children/women/minorities” as an excuse. You should always assume that everything online is not safe and will be stolen/sold. That's also why we should avoid posting anything personal on social media.
ArrenMcStealsalot at 9:59AM, Oct. 15, 2021
posts: 41
joined: 8-24-2021
I ended up listening to your video (and will listen to some more of your stuff) and I 100% get “we don't need pervert like you anymore” part. This is aslo what I experienced on one comic website. It always happens. First they love you, then it's “get out, think about the children”, and after a while website dies. The cycle repeats and nobody ever learns from it.
Ozoneocean at 9:55PM, Oct. 17, 2021
posts: 28,815
joined: 1-2-2004
We're never truly safe from that kind of incursion, it can happen anywhere.
Like Wildcat says: it's a constant cycle.

I'm always worried it will catch up with us here eventually one way or another. We use Patreon and Paypal to fund us, our images are all hosted with Amazon web services etc… We HAVE to use big corporations. At the moment is just pretty much me on the line with the data I need to provide them to make this stuff work. You guys are shielded from it on DD.
lothar at 4:16AM, Oct. 19, 2021
posts: 1,741
joined: 1-3-2006
Seriously, I never would have seen this coming even 5 years ago. Seems like the whole damned world is heading toward a CCP style social credit system. Communism and corporatism have the same endgame: totalitarianism. Whether it be from ideology or just profit motivated, we are all fucked. Say goodbye to your freedoms as they preech to you about equality while those fuckers at the top enjoy their mega yatches.
It's all a fucking scam.

We all have to stop buying into it. Stop believing the lies and stop giving them our money. It's divide and conquer. That's why they need censorship.

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