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Geist Gears! A Supernatural Action Series!
Emma_Xross at 10:56AM, May 14, 2024
posts: 44
joined: 4-8-2006
We are about six pages into the prologue, and things are really heating up! An abandoned school alight with blue flames, injured high schoolers, some kind of hood wearing cultists? And the terrible thing they called upon themselves. Three well meaning teens rush into the building to help, unaware of what awaits them…

So if any of that piques your interest come see what happens next!

Read Geist Gears!
Emma_Xross at 2:55AM, May 16, 2024
posts: 44
joined: 4-8-2006
The latest page is up! Geist Gears Page 7 in which our heroes come face to face with the hooded people’s terrible mistake!
last edited on May 16, 2024 2:56AM
Emma_Xross at 7:19AM, May 21, 2024
posts: 44
joined: 4-8-2006
The newest page of Geist Gears is up! Come check it out!
Emma_Xross at 6:35PM, May 23, 2024
posts: 44
joined: 4-8-2006
This latest page was a lot of fun to do I kind of had no idea how I was going to pull that effect off! But here it is!
Emma_Xross at 11:10AM, June 11, 2024
posts: 44
joined: 4-8-2006
There’s been a few pages since I updated this thread so if you haven’t checked Geist Gears out in a while, there’s plenty to catch up on! Read it here!

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