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Spoilers! What is a big plot twist you may never get to use?
sleeping_gorilla at 7:09PM, Sept. 4, 2024
posts: 163
joined: 6-6-2021
The boat sinks at the end of the Titanic…
Darth Vader is Luke's father…

It has been like 20 years since I was making Unlikely Savior Chyler. It is a concept I still like. But my art sucked and I could never get it to an acceptable level. I used AI on my own art for the following images.

From the beginning, there was a villain roaming around in the shadows. Actually, the very next storyline was going to reveal the identity of Solace.

Solace was a fallen angel, with straight similar to a Boo Hag. The story would have had Chyler trying to prove that her long-time enemy Remini was the Boo Hag when it was actually Cassidy.

Cassidy wasn't aware that she had Solace as a symbiote. Solace experienced everything she did, and when she and Remini stopped being friends Solace tried to kill her.

Remini almost drowns while Chyler and Solace are fighting. At this point Chyler's boyfriend Roo demands that Chyler use her electricity powers as an EKG to revive her. Revealing that he had known her secret the whole time.
last edited on Sept. 4, 2024 7:11PM
Furwerk studio at 9:30PM, Sept. 4, 2024
posts: 263
joined: 12-18-2019
I always wanted to do a twist on the anti-escapism Aesop, take a group of kids and have them fall into a magical world where they are doing pretty good but the mc is like “this isn't real” and “we have to go back”, have the first have seem like a journey of trying to say fun is fun but you to grow up and have the mc focused solely on returning to his home, and after defeating the dark queen to step back home..
To find a so called “lesser” villain had already arrived and completely destroyed his home country,brought magic to Earth, brought modern war to the fantasy world and ruined everything.
Basically having the moral of trying to act what society thinks is mature and ignoring problems along the way you deem “childish” or beneath you might become worse than your original issues.
bravo1102 at 4:17AM, Sept. 5, 2024
posts: 6,206
joined: 1-21-2008
I don't plan twists. They come up during the creative process. Okay here we go and wait, what if it's this? MIND F*CK! Yeah, we'll go with that.
Or the plot just meanders along in it's clichéd glory and the readers say,“some twist, didn't see that coming.”
And I'm like, that was a twist? Okay. Thought it was totally natural considering the foreshadowing I did or didn't do. LOL. 😂🤣
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:37PM, Sept. 5, 2024
posts: 781
joined: 3-23-2007
Few experiences will ever top watching The Sixth Sense in a crowded theatre in Toronto opening weekend. There was a movie-goer placed in the center of the audience who was really hamming up all the big plot twist deliveries with “OH MY GOD, He was a ghost the whole time?” Followed by the rest of the audience laughing at the reactions.
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Ozoneocean at 7:09PM, Sept. 5, 2024
posts: 28,944
joined: 1-2-2004
Can't stand AI even for this stuff. I ALWAYS loved you original Chyler art and thought it was perfect back in the day :(
It's a shame you didn't have confidence in it. It was great and I loved the comic.
sleeping_gorilla wrote:
Cassidy wasn't aware that she had Solace as a symbiote. Solace experienced everything she did, and when she and Remini stopped being friends Solace tried to kill her.

Remini almost drowns while Chyler and Solace are fighting. At this point Chyler's boyfriend Roo demands that Chyler use her electricity powers as an EKG to revive her. Revealing that he had known her secret the whole time.
I can see that all now in the comic in my head. It completes things for me. Thankyou ^_^

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