The DD community project Short Stories has begun! Check them out - pairs of artists and writers got together to do 2-5 page stories about “life” … the first few are up already!
akakios3's Rick and Daphne has reached 200 strips! A huge congrats to you!
Phineus, Magician for Hire volume two starts on January 1, 2007! The story updates daily until phinmagic catches up to himself in the fall. All of volume one finishes up on December 29, 2006, so go read the archives to get ready for the new stories! Fun with mosters!
Glimmer would like everyone to know that the first issue of Tri-Noble is now available at indyplanet! Publishing goodness!
iowabarbidoll of Talismen: Return of the Exile is updating Mondays and Thursdays, and is also posting an 8-page epilogue to Volume 1 up on DD (available nowhere else)!
skoolmunkee at 7:02AM, Dec. 27, 2006
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