Hello guys and guy-ettes!
I know how excited you all get when someone makes a newspost so I thought I would feed the fire a little.
Comic Anniversary!
Did you know that the Tuesday, February 14th is the 500th comic of Yami no Tainai? I think you will agree with me when I say that is a lot of comics! How is that for a Valentine's present, eh?
DD Books!
Drunk Duck, Volume 1 is up for sale on Lulu, which is a print-on-demand book service. You go to the site, order the book, and they print it up special and send it to you! Haven't you always wanted a Drunk Duck book of your very own? The second one is hot on its heels, and still keep an eye out for #3.
There is also a page on Lulu for DD and DD affiliated books: http://www.lulu.com/drunkduck. It's a handy place to find… well, your DD and DD affiliated books! If any other DD members have books on Lulu that they want listed, PM Ronson on the forums and give him your product code, and he can add yours to the list.
Speaking of books (still), the CAT! book is now available on Amazon Marketplace! Go on and pay it a visit (and leave it some friendly reviews, go on, Dr. Zoidberg would do it too if his claws permitted typing!)
Comic Reviews!
There is a lovely Comic Review forum in the Forums, wherein… comics are reviewed. But that is such a great thing! You can even sign up to have your own comic reviewed, but anyone who wants to participate in the forum should definitely read the rules first. A comic reviewing free-for-all would be such a mess!
Listen, the comic currently up for review is Slither and Friends, and you can read (and contribute to!) its reviews in this thread.
Also, thanks to moderator ccs1989, here is a huge list of the comics which could be called the review forum's favorites. They are the comics that people liked the best, and got overwhelminly good feedback. This means they are worth a look!
Knock On Wood
L.A.X Light Motion Dreams
Tomb of the King
Pinky TA
Try Everything Once
The Funbox
Talisman: Return of the Exile
Obscured by Species
Unlikely Savior Chyler
The Pure Soul
Here There Be Robots
The Urban Knight
Detective Fork
Miami Sound Machine
Vampire Phantasm
Divisible By Zero
Oh Brother Qlippoth
Edit: Fixed the link to Pinky TA! Sorry OzoneOcean. :)
Drunk Duck Lucky Bag
skoolmunkee at 12:05PM, Feb. 13, 2006
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