Hey everyone! Just a freindly reminder, here. Please always try to be constructive and diplomatic with your comments. Drunk Duck is about community, and being hostile towards others totally flies in the face of that.
That being said, a new rule about comments is going into effect as of now. You will now be able to report ANY comment on your page that you do not want. Nothing will be dissmissed. If you don't want it there, we'll get rid of it for you. It's YOUR comic, and if you don't want the comment there, you shouldn't have to keep it there. There! Also, ratings do not affect front page placement anymore, so nobody can really cheat or anything. :)
Eventually, we hope that this will be an automated function, but for now the Admins will need to do it manually. With that, let's please follow a few guidelines, m'kay?
1. Please don't flood us with all your past comments. At least, not for a while. For now, just focus on your current ones. If you need to get rid of past pages, please only report 1 or 2 a day until we get caught up.
2. Reporting a 5 with no comment is fine and dandy. Just make sure that's what you want. We will not be researching the “5” comments unless you let us know not to delete it. Even if we do delete it, there's ways of getting it back. ;)
3. If you want your page to look like “everyone thinks it's great” then go for it. But sometimes people are being critcal to help you. Remember, the more comments you delete, you may start to get less visits and/or less comments. So please be very prudent when figuring out which ones you may want gone.
Also, we probably aren't going to be deleting admin comments if they were made in an admin capacity. :)
Semi-related to all of THAT, we'd also like to make it clear that work isn't going to be taken down just because enough people complain. If it uses someone else's work, then it has to be the copyright holder complaining. If THEY want to complain, then they can write to an admin. If someone starts harassing a comic owner about taking their comic down however, then they're getting warned.
Community Projects:
We've made announcements about some of these before, but there are lots of community things going on in the Networking and Community forum lately, so be sure and have a look- here's just a few of them:
Starving Artists
Comic Remix
DD Fusion 15
No-Face Day
No-Face Day Sign Ups
We forgot to mention 'Aus Comics' last time, so there ya go!
…We're always looking for new people, no matter where they come from!
Hey guys, I posted about the halloween chain a while back, it's complete and viewable.
So now we're doing sign ups for the next chain. There is no theme, you just need to make sure the top of your image flows with the bottom of the image before you.
So, please feel free to sign up, we'll be starting in a few weeks. We'll be glad to have many of you drunkduckers on board.
In other comic news, Subcultured is proud to announce that both “Mute” and “Bilaran Wars” are being re-uploaded onto the Duck!!
kyupol would like to announce that Brood Knight (which is the sequel to has reached 50 pages! Congrats! :D