HapyCow's For God's Sake has reached Chapter 3! And there's a nifty cover page too!
Remember basketcase? It was a comic here on DD that was featured around the beginning? Well to celebrate the fourth anniversary of its main site, Jebus would like everyone to know that he's posting earlier cartoons everyday for the next two weeks! I read basketcase every update and I seriously recommend everyone to check it out! Really good stuff!
Speaking of anniversaries… Pixel Plumbers celebrated both its first anniversary AND its 50th comic yesterday!
Ethereal posted its 50th page today and it's also the start of the 2nd story arc! Ethereal is about a young girl with cancer and how her best friend will do anything to help her~
Meanwhile, The Kick Assers is creeping towards its 70th page~
And Prelude celebrated its 100th page!
And finally, we shall end this with a message from Aussie Kid:
Just wanted every one to know that Warriors of the Night has reached Page 50 and has started its sprite extermination which should be done by the end of March
(As a side note, if I didn't respond to your PQ regarding your news items, I do apologize. I don't mean to ignore you, I'm just really tired lately due to my practicum so I can barely string a sentence together coherantly. But I still think it's awesome you guys are all reaching these milestones and congrats! :D)
Late breaking news!
Star Crossed Destiny hits 75 pages! The super exciting part is that the Juno figurine is now avaliable for pre-order!
Check it out!