Would everyone who has a Civil War comic please send me a PQ with the name, URL, and maybe a one-sentence description? I'm putting together a list. Thank you!
Also don't forget our current Creator Interview, tyrapendragon! (she runs Fusion as well as her own comic)! Get it while it's hot!
ALSOOOOO Drunk Duck Awards, guys! DRUNK DUCK AWARDS!
Locoma is 50 comics old! As a bonus, the artist is accepting suggestions to help him experiment with art styles- you can suggest any ol' thing! Digital, traditional, existential, non-denominational… leave a comment or send a PQ!
More Milestones!
Also reaching 50 comics is Life on the Fringe! True stories of bartender/fangirl? Sign me up!
Do you like spoons? DO YOU?! Then you might like Spoon: The Comic, which has just posted its 25th page!
Thip's comic Purgatory is 125 pages old, and he's also posted some extra material! (And the comic is much better than ACTUAL purgatory, I promise.)
And the comic Silly Daddy is 16 years old! (Although a bit new to Drunk Duck of course.) Here's a press release!
Loosely centered around family and pop culture, Joe Chiappetta finds it easier than most cartoonists to track the age of his Xeric award winning comic. The partly profound and partly silly comic was started in 1991 as an autobiographical series in the same year that his first daughter was born. Whenever Silly Daddy wants to know how old his comic is, he just asks his daughter, “Hey, Maria, how old are you?”
Called “crude, but amazing” by Dave Sim, Silly Daddy comics have gone through a variety of formats in their sixteen years, from mini-comics to comic books to graphic novels and into its current format, webcomics. Since 2004, these webcomics have been posted at, currently with a new comic daily there and at to celebrate the sweet sixteen milestone. Happily married with three children and a lifelong resident of the Chicago suburbs, Joe may be almost forty years old himself, but his comic is only a teenager.