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Comic Book Challenge!

skoolmunkee at 11:54PM, June 20, 2007

The top 50 Comic Book Challenge entries have been announced! Are you on the list? We've got a couple of longtime DDers who have made it into the first round! (comic listed is the one they're known for on DD, not the one they submitted to the contest):

treebobber (Tales of Tritoria Youngbloods)
stopfontana (Necromantic)
MrGranger (Innocent, Alecto Songbook, Devilfish Project)
Mr Mustard Seed (Twonks and Plonkers)
hpkomic (Galactic Hub Serreven)

And I'm sure there are others!

Don't forget there's a forum thread to say hi to the Top 50 entrants! (I do wish they'd post the entries on that announcement page though so I could see them all!)

Dark Worlds is 50! Go visit it!

Karen the Marilith is also 50! Go visit it too!

Gamer Man Awesome is 1 year old! He's excitd!

Courage Chronicles (home of Thellrye, third winner of Drunkduck Beauty Contest - Female category) is at its 25th page!

Ersatz was very enthusiastic about the 50th page for his comic, The Unitary Authority of Ersatz. So enthusiastic he says that he will perform a bodily function of the reader's choice for every comment made on his 50th page. Now that's something to go be a part of!

ipokino says that Just letting you guys and gals know that Robot Wars (Rated M) has just made it to 75 pages, the end of Chapter Three and 20,000 page hits, all at one time, and thanks to all who reads the comic!

CorruptComics has two milestones, Zombies are People Too is 50 pages and Corrupt Hardware is 100!

(There are a couple of people who I didn't announce here, I will post 'em tomorrow!)



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