Sympathy for BK
Black Kitty, or Jenny Lui to some, lost her mother to cancer two days ago.
Black Kitty has worked tirelessly as an administrator here at Drunk Duck. Over the years she's helped to build this community into something wonderful; from its earlier days right through to the current slick professional phase, she's been there for all of us. -Not as a job but purely for her love of Drunk Duck and web comics.
For those of you who've seen the good work she's done for the community and even those new to the site who are kindly disposed to the lovely person that Jenny is we would love it if you could post a condolence card in the comic account we've made fore her:
Sympathy for BK
Or just visit and leave some kind words. ^_^
As you can understand, this is currently a very sad and trying time for her, as she's been home looking after her ailing mother, doing what she can for us at Drunk Duck, and not having all that much money at the moment due to circumstances. There's a Paypal donation button on the comic, it would be lovely if you could spare a little money to help her out with some of the costs that she's burdened with.
Thank you for reading this!
And BK, we want you to know you're a wonderful person and you did all that you could for your mum, we really hope that you and your family will be OK. :)
We Love you BK!
Ozoneocean at 12:35AM, June 30, 2007
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