The news may be delicious but this does not deny that there's a civil war going on on DrunkDuck! D: Oh noes! Whose side are you on?! Oh the humanity!
But the news marches on!
Heeeeey! Guess who is making a comeback from hiatus land? MisterSpook! Although currently, it's happening more on his main site but you can check out his previous stuff on DrunkDuck!
There's a contest for Lace's comic Digital Desire! The grand prize winner will get a permanent spot in the comic! More details in that URL above.
Cuatro and the Zylonian Knights finally reached pass its 25th milestone after two years!
Speaking of years, WyrmLaird is reaching a year old this week!
Meanwhile, CorruptComics has reached its 50th page! And so has Anything Goes! YAY!
And finally, Golden Gamers reaches its 300th comic! :D
Black_Kitty at 8:26PM, March 23, 2007
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