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THANKS for GIVING us milestones! \o/

SpANG at 9:56AM, Nov. 22, 2007

If you live in America, then HAPPY THANKSGIVING! If you don't live in America, HAPPY… um, DAY!

Here are some announcements for ya!

martylove tells us that his comic, A Couple of Sandwiches Short of a Picnic (Rated M), hit 25 pages recently! Congrats!

Rusty Knight also informs us that Soda Bread! Is going to hit it's 25th page soon! Excellent!

Rusty Knight
There will be a special page to commemorate this occasion, and best of all, 25 pages, and it's COMPLETELY FILLER FREE! Not like the OTHER brand of Balogna (buh-lon-ey)

Crocty says his comic Frank and Vinny reached 50 pages on Tuesday! Nice job!

MistressKati informs us that The Dread Sisterhood of Randomnessossity will be reaching 150 pages soon. Awesome!

Brock announces that the first SuperFogeys book, Collected Works #1, is now available for free download at! Here's the link!
Anyone who downloads the book for FREE will be treated to not only the entire first two chapters of the SuperFogeys saga (yeah, that's right-SAGA), but also a solo Spy Gal story, “Operation: Valhalla” that doesn't appear anywhere else and reveals some fairly big secrets! Also: other SURPRISE bonus features!
Did I mention it's FREE?

Mutation's comic Legend of Setar will be hitting 25 pages on this upcoming Monday. Nice!

And Litindir wants everyone to know that the 50th page of Commedia dell'Arte will be uploaded on Friday. Cool!



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