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The tri-weekly milestones news!

skoolmunkee at 12:47PM, Aug. 20, 2008

ubernite's A Study in Horror and Misery (if you couldn't guess, it's a horror comic) has reached 25 pages! 5 more pages to go until the end of the current story- better get on with reading it!

The House of the Muses series will hit its 100th page mark on Friday! Congrats! As an addendum, Part 3 of the series will debut on September 3- that's just a few weeks away! (Part 1 50 pages, Part 2 56 pages)

The Faction by the talented Peipei has reached 500 pages! If I had a dollar for each of those pages…. hmm, well maybe those dollars should go to PeiPei.

Lastly, Jenshin's Two Moons has reached 500 pages too! She says, “It's a sci-fi genetic manipulation sorta comic” and did you forget that it's been featured? Worth your time to check it out! As a celebration, Jenshin will be selling some of her original comic pages!



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