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Nine o-clock and all's well

skoolmunkee at 12:49AM, Sept. 1, 2008

I wonder if modern newspaper guys get to yell “Stop the presses” just like the olden-times guys did? That would be fun.

Contest winner!

DrunkDuck user Moondog (who does the comic Crackwalker) has let me know that he has won a contest run on Zeros2Heroes which let him get one of his comic scripts professionally produced! Congratulations to him, I think a lot of people will be very jealous. :)

His winning comic is called Hero High and is available now, so let's see if we can get him some props, eh? I can't repost everything he sent me, but he's written a description of the comic here. It appears that the zeroes to heroes website is strong on social networking, so those users looking for new places to connect with comic creators should check it out. :)


comic_chic's The Dreamer (you know, the lovely featured Revolutionary war one) has been picked up by IDW publishing, and can be ordered NOW through Previews! The order code is SEPT084131E and will go on sale in November, so if you want a copy, be sure and tell your comic store to get it in for you! Congrats, comic_chic!

Comic ending! I mean, :(

It's time to say goodbye to Flick and Jube (by simonmackie) at 97 pages. We love our comics on DD, and it's always a bit sad when one ends- although it's made a bit better when the comic has reached its proper ending (vs the author just deciding to pack it in). Flick and Jube has a proper ending, so there is a complete story just waiting to be read!


Signs tell me to STOP and YIELD, but Signz tells me that his comic Safety Man has reached 25 pages, and that he demands cake, pie, and dairy treats. However I am sure he would welcome any visitors regardless of their willingness to bear bakery products.

Pokemon Sinnoh Surfer by Walrus has reached 150 pages! Walrus is a pretty productive guy! (On a side note, every time I make an announcement about Walrus's Surfer comic, I think of the fake ad in Futurama telling people to ‘ride the walrus’…)



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