… to Manifestations by Raffaele Ienco, at 120 pages. This once-featured, DD Award-winning horror comic has reached the end of its story, and it's a pretty good one. If you're looking for a scary psychological read, might as well check it out now! (The link will take you to the first page, so the ending isn't ruined for you.)
And in another type of goodbye, I've just done my monthly clean-out of my Favorites list. Significant, because that's the list I use when I'm looking for comics to possibly feature. Essentially, any comic that hasn't updated since August 12 is now off the list (and any comic that hasn't updated in the last 2 weeks gets a leery eye). Sorry to you folks, I welcome you to contact me again about your comic when you've re-established an updating schedule. Just how the features work. :[ On the somewhat good side, the list is now down to a more manageable 70 comics. :)
So this is farewell
skoolmunkee at 11:04AM, Sept. 12, 2008
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