when you go to the pharmacy, they give you a copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray, which restores your sense of aesthetics and allows you to see beauty again. Either that or it bores you to death. Either way, your suffering ends.
Normally I would never speak well of cigarette compounds, but Nicotine's recently-featuredThe Rose Killer reaches 50 pages today!
Krensada tells me that Farmillia recently reached 75 pages, and says that it has been a very hard but fun journey. Can't ask for much better! (Except maybe being slightly less hard?)
Dot Dot Dot… (by dotdotdot) turned a big ol' 125 pages yesterday! Congrats…!
DD was down but now it's back and here's some news!
skoolmunkee at 8:53AM, Aug. 27, 2009
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