Eff Eff Ex is a Final Fantasy X parody. If you know the FFX story/game it probably makes way more sense to you, but I don't and it's hilarious anyway! Denethor's art is frequently hyper modified for comic effect, with extremely exaggerated expressions, realism, and extremely simple styles substituted, with a lot of manga and chibi thrown in for fun.
Eff Eff Ex is really very, very funny! It's a great parody, and even a great introduction to Final Fantasy X. Read
Eff Eff Ex by Denethor! Rated E
Just a note to address something Skool has brought to my attention:
-Ef Ef Ex is clearly parody and not derivative. This is an original artistic work. As such I believe it can be featured. But we are very careful when it comes to this area.
Ozoneocean at 8:09AM, Aug. 27, 2009
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