The Life and (Maybe) Death of Ed by Eduds is now 300! Eduds adds this: “(No sparta jokes!) To celebrate there is a new layout and it's the official time to send fan questions/fan art/fan stuff/fan etc via PQ.”
Aghammer's Ag Junk has reached 25 pages!
ifelldownthestairs has something a bit different, he is starting a project to compile a “readers' choice top ten to celebrate my upcoming 500th comic” (I Fell Down the Stairs) so he would appreciate any of his readers sending him a PQ or email telling him their favorite strips. :]
Tomorrow I am going to post another interview so if you haven't read the previous ones yet, maybe you should get on that!
Monday news! I'm not slacking!
skoolmunkee at 1:21AM, June 1, 2009
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