FAIL: Fascists for American Integrity and Leadership. Conspiracy! FAIL weaves one hell of a beautiful conspiracy. Ever wondered at the connections between 9/11, wars, wikileaks, the economy…? Well instead of those annoying tinfoil hat theories, this comic makes them all part of an entertaining story, stick with it, it's cool, trust me. With solid black and white stylised art, FAIL is an exciting dramatic political conspiracy comic that has some real current events mixed in! Ever hear of a little thing called Wikileaks and a certain funny looking blonde Australian guy by the name of Julian Assange? No? Me neither… ^_^ By Ramlama, Rated E.
And don't forget:
Quackcast 15, Part 2: How to Advertise Your Webcomic, Make Friends and Influence People! (cont.)
Ozoneocean and Skoolmunkee continue their comprehensive look at how to advertise one's comic. A great source of ideas, and maybe some things you didn't know about!
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Ozoneocean at 12:52AM, Feb. 24, 2011
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