Hey guys! There's lots of great, interesting recent interviews up in the Interviews subforum, so be sure and check them out, and leave a reply saying what you thought!
Trawling through the Networking and Community subforum, I see that I Am The 1337 Master is recruiting for Paint Force - a collaborative comic/project which requires use of MSPaint! Interested? Check out the thread!
Doodstormer is looking for some “passive” participants - extras to appear in his comic Elements! If you have character which would fit into a fantasy setting, Doodstormer would like to use them as an extra in his comic, to show up in crowd scenes and so forth! Even if he doesn't use them in the comic, he'll still draw them so you can see what they look like Element-ized. Sounds like a win all around!
Genejoke is ALSO looking for your characters (or comics)!Volunteer your comic or characters for featuring in mock commercials for The Hero Factor, Genejoke's comic about a superhero reality tv competition. Your character could be a (fictional commercial inside a fictional tv show inside a fictional comic) star!
And lastly, kingofsnakeis looking to do critique trades - if you give his comic a quality critique, he will give your comic one back! It's a great chance to get some feedback about your comic. Go on and give him lots of work to do!
Are you ready to milestooooooooooones?!
Just hitting 200 pages is A Loonatic's Tale by DrLuck! It looks toony and loony!
The featured comic Holon by Abt_Nihil has reached 75 pages! Check out his sci-fi goodness!
And the comic Sinful (which has also been featured) by Elanor Pam is now at 225 pages!
Plenty of opportunities to pimp yourself around in this newspost!
skoolmunkee at 9:37AM, March 9, 2011
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