Do you remember waking up excited early on Saturday morning, turning on the TV when it was all quiet and everybody was asleep, jussssst in time for your fave Saturday morning cartoons? For me it was Yogi Bear, Wacky Races, The Superfriends, The Justice League, Robotech, The Transformers, Jem and the Holograms, He-Man, The Gummie Bears… and even Dexter's Lab and Spongebob Squarepants. Man I ALWAYS loved getting up for Saturday morning cartoons!
Well that's the sort of thing Royduncan100 was going for with “Saturday Morning”.
You may remember this cartoon savant from The Villain Next Door? Well this intimidating genius of skill and self promotion has been busying himself away on this brilliantly coloured, highly stylised, cartoony masterpiece for about a year now. Just dip in anywhere and sample this madness, I assure you you'll be rewarded with some special stuff.
By royduncan100, rated E.
Read Saturday Morning
THURSDAY FEATURE --> Saturday Morning
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 13, 2012
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
houseofmuses at 7:36PM, Dec. 20, 2012
Roy Duncan's SuperCreep #1 is on sale now at Wowio! Only 99 cents!
man in black at 7:17PM, Dec. 13, 2012
Congrats Roy
houseofmuses at 6:49PM, Dec. 13, 2012
Be sure to check out Roy's comics on sale now at IndyPlanet! I'm presently prepressing ALL Roy's comics, and SuperCreep and other Saturday Morning titles will be on sale soon!!
royduncan100 at 6:37PM, Dec. 13, 2012
thank you catya & banes and a big thank you to dd for the feature spot. i guess christmas came early this year! The new character Supercreep has me really jazzed, it's gonna be a fun ride to be on with this one!
Catya at 6:06PM, Dec. 13, 2012
Congrats, Roy :)
Banes at 8:09AM, Dec. 13, 2012
sweet! royduncan, a massively talented sonovagun! great feature!