Bombshell has it all- Looks, brains, a prestigious job, a strong moral code and will to do good… and a strapless leotard that stays up! By Abt_Nihil, creator of many other featured comics, Bombshell is a visually lush vigilante comic centred on Aria Conti, a UN advisor by day and a foiler of global degeneracy by night. She's not interested in admirers or the small fish. The guys she really wants to get are the ones who she can scare (into using their ill-gotten gains for good), trick (their stooges into stopping the plot), and manipulate (into helping her take their peers down). She's not a woman to mess with! And especially don't mention the photos of her backside…
Read Bombshell!
Monday feature -> Bombshell
skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, Jan. 30, 2012
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
Abt_Nihil at 3:00PM, Jan. 31, 2012
Oh, and now I must ask: Is there a record for "most featured comics from one single person"? :D (I don't mean to come across as arrogant, it's just extremely awesome that ALL of my webcomics have been featured.)
Abt_Nihil at 2:56PM, Jan. 31, 2012
That is so awesome. I had this really long day on Monday, and I came home tired and exhausted, and then saw my comic was featured... and I was completely reinvigorated. Thank you so much, skoolmunkee! The improved update schedule on Bombshell was mainly due to what you said on the quackcast, about Bombshell as a potential feature. I'm so glad you said that - it really motivated me. And I'm not planning on slowing down now :P And massive thanks to all the readers, and my friends here on dd. You're the best!
melsr007 at 12:34PM, Jan. 31, 2012
Alright Abt Nihil
Tantz_Aerine at 1:45AM, Jan. 31, 2012
Much deserved as always!
Banes at 9:18AM, Jan. 30, 2012
way to go once again, Abt Nihil. Freakishly talented and hardworking, you are!!