Hey guys, it's time for a little public service announcement about the 2012 Drunk Duck Awards! The ball is rolling, but it's a big heavy ball and needs lots of rollers. That's my hamfisted metaphor to describe how much community effort it takes to successfully pull off the biggest project on the website every year! Niccea has heroically taken on the effort of planning and organizing the thing, but she can't do it herself- not even most or half of it!
The Awards are a great thing for the site! Look:
- Builds community spirit and involvement
- Showcases excellent comics on the site
- Gives kudos to hardworking, exceptional, and well-liked members
- Several opportunities for self- and co-promotion
- Ways for non-comic creators (readers, etc.) to participate
- And they're just plain fun!
It's really easy to get involved, and the more people who get involved the better! I shouldn't really have to explain why, should I?
Anyway, you can currently participate in a couple of ways:
- general helper, tasks Niccea needs assistance with
- create a Presention Comic for when the finalists are announced (like “and the nominees are…”)
- category Judge (you can ask for certain categories, or not to be in certain ones- but you can't judge one you're a finalist in of course)
- create a “For Your Consideration” comic - letting people know what categories you'd like to be nominated in, which will be posted to the 2012 DD Awards account
OK? So for more details, click these images and links:
The Drunk Duck Awards 2012 Volunteers thread
For Your Consideration thread
Volunteers needed for the 2012 DD Awards!
skoolmunkee at 10:25AM, June 22, 2012
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