Ozoneocean has an interview with his OWN webcomic character! The fabulous Pinky of Pinky TA comes to life for reals and submits to interrogation from her creator… The fourth wall is smashed wide open for this one as Ozoneocean tries to uncover the secret of Pinky's real hair colour and just what IS behind those bottomless pants? …not much it turns out. This is an interesting experiment, trying to see how else you can explore and promote the imersive creative world that is your webcomic! For next week's Quackcast we would love YOU to submit your OWN character interviews, either as answers to the interview questions I have listed in the link bellow (in the forum), or just answers to questions you've invented yourself. You can even email a recording of it direct to me at ozoneocean at yahoo dot com.
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NEXT WEEK it is YOUR turn!!!!!
Here are the interview Questions -
Either have your character respond to those or Questions you've made up yourself!
QUACKCAST Episode 132 - An Interview with Pinky TA
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 9, 2013
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
Ozoneocean at 10:35AM, July 10, 2013
She was unpredictable!
VinoMas at 12:45AM, July 10, 2013
I loved that there were moments where you were like "what is she going to say now?" That's Pinky for you! She does what she wants and says what she wants...not even her creator can control her!