Today is Memorial Day in the United States.
Before you spend the day shopping for the latest sales, catching up on sleep, dreaming about prom, or using today as an extra day to study for an exam, please take a moment to step back and think about what this day really means.
Memorial Day is reserved to honor and remember the men and women who died while serving in the country's armed forces. It is a similar holiday to Remembrance Day in Canada, and in a related fashion, the poppy flower is the official symbol of remembrance. The story of the poppies originates from the poem “In Flanders Fields” by Lt. Col. John McCrae, that opens with the line, "In Flanders fields the poppies (grow), between the crosses, row on row."
Wars affect us in various ways whether we are civilians or have worn a uniform. Regardless of country of origin, we have all had a family member, friend, lover, or neighbor who has served and died while serving in the military.
This weekend also marks a time of mourning in my home state of California. My heart goes out to the victims' families who have to live on after this devastating loss. Unfortunately, the real tragedy is that this is not the first time California has experienced this type of event. Less than one year ago, I was taking classes at a school where another mass shooting took place. Fortunately, I was at home when I saw the surreal events unfold on the news. It still makes me sick to my stomach.
Today is a day for Remembrance. Remember your poppy.
Congratulations Asbin for reaching the 700th page Milestone for the GORGEOUS comic, Project GTH (rated M)!! Asbin's art style just keeps getting better and better. The digital art and coloring style he uses looks very professional, so I must give him props for his wonderful work. Check out Project GTH today!
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Remember Your Poppy
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 26, 2014
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
Locoma at 7:04AM, May 27, 2014
congrats to GTH! and lovely pic!
KimLuster at 5:11AM, May 26, 2014
Very moving write-up... There's nothing anyone can give more than their life - they are remembered!
ghostrunner at 3:08AM, May 26, 2014