Happy 2016, everyone!
I'm not big into New Year's resolutions generally, but I do have a few this year. I read 24 books in 2015 (not including partial books read for school) and would like to do the same in 2016. I'd like to improve my reading comprehension in Russian, and read at least a couple of French books to keep up my language skills.
My comic goals are to complete the prologue of my new comic (I currently have two whole pages done and am rivaling ozoneocean for slowest comic artist :P) and to finish writing the entire thing.
Do you have goals for your comic or your art in 2016? Or any other New Year's resolutions?
DD 52 Card Pickup!
Call Me Tom has started a really fun new community project! The idea is that we will create our own deck of cards using our comic characters. Each person can only claim one court card, but you can claim as many number cards as you like!
The thread to sign up is here: http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/forum/topic/177408/
Have a comic milestone, a community project or some comic-related news that you'd like to see here? Do you have original art for our newspost image database? Send it to me via PQ or at hippievannews(at)gmail.com, or leave a comment below!
2016 Comic Goals and a New Community Project!
HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 1, 2016
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
usedbooks at 5:59AM, Jan. 2, 2016
I'm 7 pages away from my next 200+ page printed book, so that's my goal. Should be able to get that done by spring. I'm still ar a loss for the cover though. I have an idea, but I don't think I can draw it. :P I'd love to do a UB side project too, but realistically, I just want to keep my main story going at a decent pace. Plus, there's a lot of script I'm not happy with. I might even need to take time between arcs to get my brain straight. We'll see... First thing's first. Finish the arc; print the book.
VinoMas at 12:54AM, Jan. 2, 2016
oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
VinoMas at 12:54AM, Jan. 2, 2016
2016 Duck New Year Goals 1. Read more Duck comics and respond. I so appreciate the fans of my comics but often don't take the time to see what everyone else is doing. 2. Finish #Pageant 2015. I've been on hiatus due to work, vacation, and loss of technology. Finishing means posting the direction-page and Princess January page of the Tie-Breaker final question, have members of the DUCK vote, and then release the winners of all categories and participant pages. Once that is done, I can begin working on #Pageant 2015, the video, which will feature music by Gunwallace and voices by the TravmoWorld Production Team! Then it will be time to start #Pageant2016. 3. Release YOUR CHOICE... once a day. 4. Begin working on Confessions of a Paper Doll, finishing the first story arc and working on the mystery story. 5. Revive Stiletto and Diva Petz 6. Continue to promote Princess January 7. Work on community projects 8. Revive The Drunk Duck Fashion Forum (currently on hiatus).
ashtree house at 10:09PM, Jan. 1, 2016
My 2016 goal is to keep momentum. I lost some interest in 2015 and therefore didn't really work on my comic much for a couple of months and my updates slowed right now. I am on a roll now and would like to keep at it!
Banes at 9:52AM, Jan. 1, 2016
...yeah, I'd like to become a better 'drawer' too...but come on, that ain't gonna happen!
Banes at 9:52AM, Jan. 1, 2016
Happy New Year! In my comic, I have a story arc to resolve, a script by someone else to draw, and a fun little third story in mind (those "fun little stories" always surprise me with how difficult they end up being). If I get most of that done this year, it would be a big improvement over last year's productivity, and more than satisfying!
tupapayon at 9:02AM, Jan. 1, 2016
This year I want to make more money... so I will get a better printer, so the money will look better... while avoiding getting arrested...
bravo1102 at 8:48AM, Jan. 1, 2016
The same one as every year. To do a comic worth reading. I haven't succeeded yet but I still got to try.
KimLuster at 5:59AM, Jan. 1, 2016
I sorta feel sad that I've never made a New Years Resolution in my life (maybe it's because I wouldn't really keep it :)). For this next year, my goal remains the same - to get BOTH Better and Faster! It's always been a huge trade-off for me, deciding where to compromise! Right now I'm completing a page roughly every five days, and I can't stand taking longer than that!! Likewise, I often think of things I could 'cut' to make it even faster (doing away with color, maybe pencil only) but I really also want to get better at color and using watercolor, so... Little compromise either way! I simply must improve - in both areas!!
Ozoneocean at 5:40AM, Jan. 1, 2016
I'd like to do way more pages- to come up with deadlines and stick to them! Any advance on 4 whole pages last year will be an achievement.
PaulEberhardt at 4:17AM, Jan. 1, 2016
Even at the risk of bordering on cliché: I'll try and draw more and faster (i.e. at all) as well as complete a picture book on top of everything. Oh, and while I'm at it, finish all the work that piled up in the last few months, single-handedly stop global warming, square the circle or whatever - whichever turns out to be easiest. ;)