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Today we compare and contrast two ways of making characters: starting with a pure archetype and building it with tropes, or creating a character organically through circumstance and interaction with other characters.
Quackcast 440 has the full crew of Ozoneocean, Banes, Pitface and Tantz! Our description of the two types of characterisation are are probably artificial extremes but it helps to see the advantages and disadvantages of both.
Some advantages to starting with archetypes and building traits with pre-defined tropes are that it's very quick, very easy and you can create something you know for sure your audience will understand and resonate with! Disadvantages are that you risk making stale characters: either by creating a cliché or by sticking too closely to your archetype (as you're always tempted to do when you make a character this way), and not allowing the character to evolve, change out of it and escape it. You generally want to return them to “true”.
A good use for this approach are quickly made side characters who won't be around long, characters in a short-form or one-off story, or sitcom characters where you have to quickly get the audience to like them.
building a character organically over the course of a story through interaction and circumstance is harder and takes longer, but give you a changeable character that grows with your audience and who your audience grows to love! …if they can invest the time. The disadvantage here is that often you can't afford that time. This is better for long-form stories, dramas and novels.
In reality most of the time you'll use a mixture of the two approaches, often starting out with a reasonably defined character with a few traits in place, who grows as the story progresses and is changed by what happens to them and around them. That's a good, balanced way to do things, though short stories and side characters benefit from tropes.
This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to Ice Massacre: A quiet, contemplative meditation on the vastness of space and time. Gentle ripples of sound lap against and wash over you… building slowly and then receding back into the ocean of time. Percussive tinkles glitter within the flow, like unusual seashells or sparkling pieces of colourful coral. For a moment they catch your eye, only to disappear again forever in the wash of sound.
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Featured comic:
The Mystic from Wanzerbe -
Featured music:
Ice Massacre -, by Icemassacre, rated T.
Special thanks to:
Gunwallace -
Pitface -
Ozoneocean -
Banes -
kawaiidaigakusei -
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QUACKCAST 440 - Character tropes VS characterisation
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 20, 2019
Character tropes VS characterisation,
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Drunk duck,
featured comic,
featured music,
Ice Massacre,
Quackcast 440,
Tantz Aerine,
The Mystic from Wanzerbe,
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Kou the Mad at 8:56PM, Aug. 22, 2019
Tropes in an of themselves are merely tools, if used correctly as in with the writer with an understanding of said tropes, they work fine. It's when a Writer uses them solely because they are popular with a LACK of understand of why they work that they become a problem. Take the Idiot Hero trope, which was popularized (Most Likely) by Goku from Dragonball, Here's the thing though, he's an idiot because he suffered Brain Damage as a baby, so when other characters are idiots without that excuse, it's a major problem.