A funeral is a sad, grim occasion for most people. For Hel it's something else: work… hard work. She's there to correct a wrong, to send an unearthly creature back to where it belongs. She's a woman with a thousand years of history behind her. She has long experience at what she does, the dead and undead alike are no strangers to her. We follow her from her sad beginnings as a cursed and lonely child in icy Scandinavia to the present in sweaty Louisiana with her lovely and very busty friends. This is a Gothic styled supernatural horror fantasy with juicy colour and lovely illustrations, the art is all digital.
Read - Scorned, by damehelsing, rated M.
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 5, 2020
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
ephonk at 11:00AM, Aug. 5, 2020
Been following this since day one. It's really beautifully illustrated.
Ozoneocean at 10:20AM, Aug. 5, 2020
Glad you're happy :D
Avart at 9:59AM, Aug. 5, 2020
Well deserved, congrats!!
damehelsing at 4:22AM, Aug. 5, 2020
Ahhh! Thank you so much for the feature, Ozone! ;-; I'm gonna go ugly/happy cry in a corner with my bunny now!! <3
Ozoneocean at 3:46AM, Aug. 5, 2020
`She's a talented artist!
kawaiidaigakusei at 1:55AM, Aug. 5, 2020
That imagery of the rose thorns cutting the hand looks painful and powerful. 💜