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FEATURED COMIC --> Oi Tales of Bardic Fury

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 26, 2023

Bryan, fresh out of college in Tara, is moving toward a path to become a full-fledged bard. The entire process to become a poet, minstrel, or chronicler takes a lengthy twelve years to complete. Bard lute in hand, Bryan journeys to a tiny shanty town in the North called Oi in order to gain one year of work experience (translation: drinking mead and frolicking on the beach). The gap year is starting to sound splendid following the meeting of Servius of Sicilia, a local slave naturally gifted in music.

The art follows a muted olive green, dandelion, sage, sand, and taupe color scheme. Full-sized comic page layout.

Venture to Oi to enjoy poetry in the glen and read Oi Tales of Bardic Fury by omeow, rated E!




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