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Today's topic is Nudity: Nudity in comics, censorship, self censoring, what you can get away with on DD, ratings, nudity on other platforms and how it affects the reach of your work, and more!
There are a lot of reasons for using nudity in your creative work, it can be fun to draw, it catches audience attention, it can be quite dramatic or funny or shocking. Nudity is a useful tool, but it can really limit the reach of your work so you have to be very careful with it because ironically even though lots of people like to look at it there are very few ways to show it to them. This is because most platforms out there have restrictions on what they allow to be shown. Drunk Duck is one of the more open and accepting sites when it comes to nudity but even WE have to have restrictions! We have two levels: a Mature rating where nudity is allowed as long as it's not the entire comic and it's not openly and graphically sexual. Then we have Adult rated comics that are restricted to only people who're over age and logged into the site, where you can show far more.
If your work has nudity you have to be aware of ratings on the platform you're showing it on and even where you can print it. In addition to that those rating can change and you can face bans to your account for stuff that was previously allowed! This has happened many times on sites like Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Webtoons, and more. What tends to happen then is that we self censor and eventually internalise that censorship so that we just avoid nudity in our work all together.
Nudity is a part of normal human existence, there's nothing essentially wrong with it, BUT we don't exist or create in a vacuum- there are all sorts of cultures and societies around the world that have different attitudes towards nudity for various reasons. There are laws, taboos, ratings, customs and lord knows what else so for that reason you'll always find it easier to get your work out to more people the less nudity it shows.
What do you think about nudity in webcomics? Do you use it yourself, or a variation of it like partial or implied nudity?
This week Gunwallace has given us a theme inspired by Nordmand - Dance a jig and slap your leatheren heels into the wooden floorboards, kick up dust and jump to the infectious rhythm! Garb a partner, hook your arm into theirs and take a spin. This is a fun folkish, high energy dancing tune made with traditional instruments.
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Gaia Comic -
Featured music:
Nordmand - - by Hart, rated T.
Special thanks to:
Gunwallace -
Ozoneocean -
Tantz Aerine -
Banes -
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Quackcast 639 - Nudity
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 13, 2023
Drunk duck,
Featured comic,
Gaia Comic,
Tantz Aerine,
Webcomics hosting
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
JillyFoo at 5:21PM, June 18, 2023
@ozoneocean Heavy Metal magazine is still a thing. I bought an issue this year (2023) while researching mature comics for a panel I am running. I got it at Barnes and Nobel of all places.
JillyFoo at 5:17PM, June 18, 2023
I say having two nude characters was my biggest shot in the foot for Demon Eater. Perhaps it would have went farther without the nudity. Nothing I can do about it now. I originally had it in there because I was taking life drawing courses at the time and wanted to get better at drawing anatomy.
rickrudge at 8:49AM, June 16, 2023
I draw underground comix, so naturally, I love nudity. All of my comix are at least rated “M” and a good half are rated “A”. I also enjoy reading other artist’s “A” rated comics. I love how The Duck has got it together as far as showing nudity for those who want to view it. That may change, but hopefully not. The Duck has some good parental safeguards in place.
bravo1102 at 11:56PM, June 14, 2023
@Ozoneocean. If my stuff was 3D or drawn the nudity would be toned down because it'd be so easier to depict semi-dressed with torn or disheveled clothing. Don't really want to destroy wardrobe.
Ozoneocean at 8:54PM, June 14, 2023
@Bravo, True. I often wonder with your work- because it's not drawn, 3D or photos, could you get away with a low rating and general exposure (pardon the pun), because naked dolls/figurines/action figures are pretty acceptable everywhere. It could be a loophole XD
Ozoneocean at 8:51PM, June 14, 2023
@Hart- I'm so glad you like that music, I's one of my fave themes so far :)
bravo1102 at 1:18AM, June 14, 2023
I quite simply got sick and tired of the lengths so much media would go not to show too much bosom that I went in the total opposite direction. Total exploitation and fan service past the point of ridiculous parody and into weird. I've reined it back somewhat but still go for ridiculous situations.
Hart at 12:52AM, June 14, 2023
It's very unexpected and nice to see music written for my story. The tune is wonderful, really just perfect for the vibe of my graphic novel. Thank you very much for the storm of positive emotions! I rarely write comments, but I've been following the site's activity since 2009 when possible. And I want to say that this place remains the coziest and most beloved. On the subject of the podcast: I am absolutely positive about any visual means of expression in comics. Including nudity. Whether it's fan service, or a necessary element of visualization. In my comics, the rating doesn't allow for nudity. But hints of it can be used. I really like the way this theme was explored in the cartoon Mulan when she was swimming in the lake. I think I will use similar methods in my works as well, not to go beyond the rating, but the reader will be aware of the fact that the character is naked. :D
Ozoneocean at 7:49PM, June 13, 2023
@InkyMoondrop - Having seen it now, the scene you described was perfectly ok and there's no reason to change your rating - I'm just posting this here for everyone so they get the right impression :)
InkyMoondrop at 7:35PM, June 13, 2023
@Ozoneocean - Sent you a pq.
Ozoneocean at 7:10PM, June 13, 2023
A great example of the moronic nature of some prudish people is the attitude towards Masumune SHirow. He's a masterful creator, his comics were brilliant. But after them he started to focus on pinup art. Because of that these dickwits downgraded their opinion of his work. That shows a shameful lack of taste, intelligence and education on their part. His original Ghost in the Shell manga had two pages that featured a virtual sex scene with the lead character and two of her female friends- two pages out of the hundreds in the comics- because of that these imbeciles also downgrade his work in their meaningless opinions. Unfortunately most editions have those pages removed, which is even more shameful! When back in the day you could buy copies of Heavy Metal anywhere and that had all sorts of sex scenes and nudity.
Ozoneocean at 7:03PM, June 13, 2023
@Injymoondrop - yeah you really should up your rating for that even if it's one page. :(
TheJagged at 10:10AM, June 13, 2023
Personally, I'm very pro nudity.
Ironscarf at 7:49AM, June 13, 2023
There's no real nudity in my comic, but enough implied sex and graphic violence to ensure I'm never tempted to post on Webtoon, Tapas and whatever else. After four years of life drawing I can definitely do nudity, but probably wouldn't give it away for free, partly because I wouldn't want it to become the main focus of the story.
InkyMoondrop at 5:25AM, June 13, 2023
I don't think you have to up the whole comic rating (here at least) if it's only one page. I've had adult material in Blessed Days, like 2 strips, but since it's 2 out of >500 it doesn't really define the overall comic. Elsewhere, sure, they're more rigid about this stuff.
PaulEberhardt at 5:23AM, June 13, 2023
I think everybody should relax a bit about this, the way us Duckers usually do. And that's coming from someone who only ever posts E-rated stuff. Btw. I wouldn't mind drawing my human characters in their birthday suits at all, actually, but it's also interesting to have a self-imposed limit that only allows for trying to sneak stuff past the radar on occasion. Read the classics (Golden Age, vintage European comics): they do it all the time and show you how. It's a nice challenge, even, compared to just remembering that this is the internet and that all you need to do to boost your clicks immensely is putting some bare boobs into it somewhere 😉. The one thing I really feel is too limiting is that I can't rate individual pages but would have to up the whole comic's rating just for one page or create a second comic, should I feel like doing a slightly kinkier gag for once.
InkyMoondrop at 4:37AM, June 13, 2023
Ranma 1/2 remains one of the best comedies Japan ever produced and aside from that one pervy old man being a creep, there was literally nothing sexual about the tons of nudity in it. It's just a series of awkward mishaps that are awkward and funny because the characters are quick to jump to the wrong conclusions. Leave it to the west, we end up with hyper-realistic looking Lion Kings where even the animals don't have genitals.
Tantz_Aerine at 4:24AM, June 13, 2023
@marcorossi: that sucks. It's a testament to the hypocrisy of our culture that an oversexualized society is pulling all the stops on keeping boobs invisible in art.// @Andreas_Helixfinger: hah, thank you. And I really like your take. Hopefully, the fortress here will stay strong ;)
marcorossi at 4:07AM, June 13, 2023
[rant continues] I was also surprised to discover that "frontal nudity" includes breasts, I initially assumed it only referred to the pubis. I never understood this fear of nudity, I remember that when I was in high school some adults tought that stuff like Ranma was too explicit on sexuality (as if high schoolers didn't have already well defined sexual instincts). This excessive fear of nudity and sexuality is one of the things that makes me think that Freud was quite right overall, and our personalities and/or cultures are largely built on the repression of sexuality, because I find no other explanation for the fear of something that everybody does and is fundamental for the existence of humans (literally without sex none of us would exist).
Andreas_Helixfinger at 3:56AM, June 13, 2023
Saying this, at this point, I don't expect to accumulate that much of a reach for anything I make, being a stubborn bastard when it comes to my glorified, weird smut and things everywhere going the direction they are. I just keep putting it up as the way I want it where I can and if the day come when I can't do that anymore I'm pretty much ready to just withdraw it all from the internet entirely and enjoy my glorified, weird smut by myself in peace.
Andreas_Helixfinger at 3:50AM, June 13, 2023
"We are the last fortress of nudity". Good one, Tantz😆😆😆 Indeed we are👍 I am in the process of coming to terms with the fact that pretty much all my comics and stories are more or less a glorified kind of weird smut - with a unified setting when it comes to the comics-, that I make and invite people - here and anywhere I feel comfortable to hang my hat - who are into that sort of thing, or at least okay with it, to experience with me. I do push some boundaries, going into more or less vulgar and, at least in my comic Idfestation's case, even outright obscene territories with nudity. Though I will spotlight that it is not obscenity without a substance to go with it, which I hope to make more clear towards the end of that comic. And I'm pretty thourough when it comes to ratings - and disclaimers if deemed necessary. I don't think its unfair to give people a heads up about what they're in for.
marcorossi at 3:49AM, June 13, 2023
I'm personally quite pissed off by limitations about nudity. In the comic I recently finished I had a certain part of the story where a lot of people of a certain group were enslaved by another group. In my mind I tought that the slaves had to be semi-naked, their head shaved, because the slavers were trying to de-humanize them, however I didn't particularly want to sexualize the situation (and in fact I had the slaves work on a holy building so the slavers were forbidden to have sex with them, just to avoid the problem). I had males naked with just a sort of fundoshi and females with a longer robe, but bare-breasted. Even if my drawing style isn't realistic and there is no sexuality involved the bare breasts were enough that I was locked out from webtoons, I'm locked out from Tapas' app and had to mark as "mature" a lot of pages (I didn't have readers on Tapas to begin with, but still a pain), and I bumped up the rating of my comic both here and on CF just to be sure.
Furwerk studio at 2:44AM, June 13, 2023
I make a porn comic, so nudity tends to come up a bit. As for bans, I was posting pages of Nakamura Rex on Furaffinity as a back up but because one character is a flat chested adult transwoman it COULD be targeted, removed and perma ban by mods under their new, vague rules "to protect the children", so I might have to remove it out of fear. It sucks but eventually we are going to have to back to printing our smut and reading them by candle light.
InkyMoondrop at 12:58AM, June 13, 2023
I use nudity both as fan service and in a meaningful way. At first I censored it, but by now I don't really care to. Even if the use is sexual, it doesn't have to be shallow and when it is shallow, I try to make it fun, humorous. There are limitations I apply not to cross the line into poor taste or outright scandalous, but I generally like the idea of painting intimate portraits of my characters and sometimes that means observing them in settings where they are comfortable to be themselves even if otherwise it'd make others uncomfortable.