I guess I should make a newspost!

skoolmunkee at 3:59PM, Jan. 31, 2010

Guess what! Last week, Carnies turned 25 pages old! “25 pages without filler” that is. :]

Guess what other comic reached 25 pages last week! Kombat Kubs, by Wordweaver_three and harkovast!

I guess I should announce that Urban Legends Sketchbook by Legend Comics has also reached 25 pages!

You'll never ...

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Monday's feature is The Compozerz!!

Ozoneocean at 1:37AM, Dec. 15, 2008

Five classical composers suddenly find themselves swept into the 21st century. They have no choice but to acclimate. In the inimitable style of Antcomics (the creator), she brings these historical figures to life in vivid colour, sets them loose the the world and lets them get into all sorts of ...

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Haha! Posting before/after Skool can post her news- Monday's feature is Go A Viking Word Of Kings!!

Ozoneocean at 2:38AM, Nov. 10, 2008

Go A Viking is an epic fantasy with Vikings, magic, blood, battle, and high adventure! By Bravo1102, this detailed saga features a mature, intelligent storyline, with compelling characters. But most striking of all is that it's all done with photos of meticulously dressed and posed figurines in historically accurate ...

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