FEATURED COMIC --> Cat Nine Take Two

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 4, 2013

This is the second attempt at this comic subject, the first being hosted elsewhere. One day a college student hears a noise in an alleyway and ends up saving a small kitten, little does he know the comedy and drama that will ensue… Spoiler: shape-changing cat girl! Cat Nine is ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 119 - Kevin "Kota's World" Hayman

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 2, 2013


Owen Wilson. Owen Wilson. Owen Wilson: Kevin Hayman IS Owen Wilson, only better looking and twice as talented. Listen find out for yourself.
Kevin is a really interesting guy, he's been doing webcomics since they were a thing. His Kota's World ran from 2000-2005 (and a ...

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Featured comic -> Blackened Rags

skoolmunkee at 12:10AM, March 27, 2013

This abstract comic by Skreem makes no sense that I can figure. That doesn't mean it's not great, though. Featuring a small cast of uniquely disturbing characters, each page is slightly unsettling (and even vaguely obscene). Claypoole's lack of respect for polite society is entertaining, the Late ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 118 - The Industry Standard

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 26, 2013


In Quackcast 118 Banes and I approach the subject of Photoshop, attempting to give a quick intro to the dark, mysterious, primordial creator god of webcomics… in our own rambling way, well in MY own rambling way since I'm the on bumbling through pretending to know what ...

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Featured comic -> Dreams of a Dark Hunter

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, March 20, 2013

Reed has spent his youth enjoying his life to the full. Funny and athletic- Reed has never wanted for friends, but even in a crowded room he has always felt alone. Today, on his 27th birthday, Reed finds himself drawn to a strange woman, and dark secret his parents can ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 117 - Figuring out how to draw

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 19, 2013


After Bravo1102 mysteriously vanished from his remote, smelly, shack in the wilderness, Banes and I were thrown back onto our own not inconsiderable resources in an attempt for a replacement topic! That was provided for us serendipitously by Skoolmunkee and her fantastic newspost about figure drawing! So Banes ...

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No shennanigans from me today, just DD Awards, contests, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 11:04AM, March 18, 2013

I've got a bunch of things to pass on to you today, comics to check out and so forth, so I thought I'd let you get on with it!

Niccea, who once again is taking the reins of the annual DD Awards, has a message!

“We are really ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Runnin With a Gun

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 13, 2013

The story is about a woman sniper. The way she found herself in that occupation came from a traumatic childhood and a good for nothing father. She is conflicted at one moment on the job because she lets her feelings get in the way of her work and misses a ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 116 - Bravo in the Valley of the Dolls

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 12, 2013


This week Banes and I speak to the dangerous, paranoid, recluse known ONLY by the mysterious call sign: Bravo1102. We tracked this fearsome wildman down, deep in a dark forest, living alone in a lonely lone shack, feeding on squirrels and noodle flavoured earthworms. It was from this ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Clockwork Atrium

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 6, 2013

Poor stupid, under-performing Dietrich, attending the prestigious University Riedstadt, he's going to have to do something extra special if he's to continue there. Chess is normally a non-contact sport played through inanimate pieces, not in this place. With students representing the pieces, Dietrich is about to learn for ...

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