DD Radio Play needs your votes (and art!), milestones, and don't miss DANGERMOTH!

skoolmunkee at 5:25AM, June 30, 2011

I hope you guys are listening to the entries and voting for cast members in the Drunk Duck Radio Play 2011! There's loads of entries (some of them REALLY hilarious) and it's up to YOU to decide who gets the top spots! There's not NEARLY enough votes ...

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Site changeover soon, Radio Play casting votes and call for art, Mafia signups, community stuff

skoolmunkee at 11:03AM, June 26, 2011

I hope you guys haven't forgotten that the rescheduled changeover for the new site is THIS FRIDAY! There will be some more announcements coming up in regards to that, but just keep it in mind. The data migrations are happening already behind the scenes (and perhaps account for the ...

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Community projects (scavenger hunt!), Bad Guy High ending, lotsa milestones!

skoolmunkee at 9:50AM, June 22, 2011

Snevilly is hoping to generate some interest in talking about different kinds of contests for fun and networking… to see what others are interested in doing, and get some questions answered if more people pop in and respond! So check out the thread for that here. And,

From that ...

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Duck & Quail, contests, HotM print ad opportunity, DD Awards, Radio Play, milestones and more!

skoolmunkee at 11:21AM, June 19, 2011

VegaX has not only dug up and reposted the old Duck and Quail community mini-comics, but is inviting people to make their own! It's a great time to do so, with the imminent relaunch- we're all attached to the Duck and I'm sure you've got a ...

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Lots of community stuff going on right now - get involved!

skoolmunkee at 11:14AM, June 15, 2011

The Summer Art Exchange is ON! Niccea is running a summertime “secret santa” project where folks sign up and do a bit of fan art for someone- and get a bit of fan art in return! Lots of people are already on board- but the signups deadline is June 17th ...

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Preview site feedback, voices needed for DD radio play, and Character Development milestone!

skoolmunkee at 4:05AM, June 10, 2011

Character Development, the featured comic by Gunwallance, has posted its 300th page! Congrats! :D

Hey everybody, don't forget that the changeover to the new site (what is currently The Duck preview site) is happening on July 1st- it's unlikely to get pushed back again! This means that it ...

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A whole slew of news! (Some of it belated, sorry!)

skoolmunkee at 10:38AM, June 5, 2011

Really sorry some of this news is a bit delayed, I've been kind of busy! I'll do better, I promise! :]

Signups for Mafia XLV: Return to Townstonia are ON! And it sounds super creepy:

The village of Townstonia is in ashes. The ravens feed upon the flesh ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 29 - Genres, Generally Speaking

Ozoneocean at 2:02AM, May 31, 2011

Skool and Ozone take it easy in this QuackCast and have a nice chat about general genres and how they may apply to webcomics. By the way, they are now QuackCast-married. Apparently.

Listen to QUACKCAST Episode 29 - Genres, Generally Speaking

Featured Comics:
- King James Moneego
- The Brilliant Bella

- What ...

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Quackcast, Twitter, houseofmuses at Derby City Comic Con, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 12:36PM, May 22, 2011

Don't miss the Update on New Site Development newspost!

Still time to contribute to the upcomic Quackcast- the one we're recording this week is about genres! How to contribute, you say? It's easy!

@drunkduck likes to give shout-outs to various DD creators- if you'd like to ...

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Update on New Site Development

skoolmunkee at 2:14AM, May 22, 2011

This was posted on Get Satisfaction, and if you click on that link you can read it there if you prefer, and you can also leave comments there.

I think there may be one thing which they forgot to add, but I'll double check with them before I say ...

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